When I first saw the SBI idea, I too thought it was worth looking into. Thankfully I had a sponsor who allowed me to see what the actual rewards were like. After doing some calculations and carefully reading what the creator of SBI wrote, I realized that the value of the votes will never increase because more people signing up just means the SP of SBI must be divided up between more recipients and everyone gets a smaller cut. The only beneficiaries are the owner and those who had been sponsored.
Visibility is absolutely everyone's problem starting out. I also started a web-store for people to list items that they want to buy, sell, or donate (Steems own version of kijiji) under the #happystore tag. It is a free service to allow people to post ads for items they need or want to get rid of. I thought that people would enthusiastically re-steem something like that to get greater exposure for such services, yet it struggles to find a larger audience. The way things are set up here make it difficult for innovative ideas to get exposure unless they are backed by a lot of money.
Please do take a look at the zombie game and join in if you think you may enjoy playing. There is also another game run by @daclawboyz that was inspired by my game and the Warhammer 40K game. His game can be joined at any point in time.