
Would you mind helping me out too?
Amount: 49000

Thank you! I am not seeing MB like the intrusions said, instead I see 49000 bytes. Does that matter?


Thank you! However this is the message I got:

Received a payment but it was not sent from the expected address 4ZTOXZ4PNI25SI3SCQQW2PYNVNNVLVN4. Make sure you are in a single-address wallet,

You gave us the bot address. You have to give us your address (you can find it in "Receive").

Oh shit! haha Sorry! here it is:


I just downloaded the wallet so it should be single address already? Correct?

Yes, by default, the first wallet created automatically for you is a single address wallet.

49 000 Bytes is 0.049 MBytes and 0.000049 GByte, but you would need at least 50 000 Bytes because transfering costs around 500 Bytes as well. You can use this tool that I made for conversion from many other currencies.