Us Steemians are so lucky, yet we have a responsibility to "the others".

in #steemit7 years ago

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My girlfriend gave me a call earlier today and asked if I would drive with her to town. She had to get some forms signed for work and she hates driving alone in traffic. So being the awesome boyfriend that I am I agreed. Driving on the freeway towards town I was looking at all these cars going from Point A to Point B, and it got me wondering.

We arrive at the building, sign in at security, and take the elevator to the 7th floor. As the doors open we're greeted with a wonderful sign that says, " [Company name witheld]". All nice and shiny and clean. As I exit the elevator I think to myself, "Wow, it must be cool working here". Head on over to one of the counters and then I saw them. A total of about 50 odd employees walking from one desk to the next, typing on their pc's, chatting to co-workers, answering telephone calls etc.

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Seeing these people slaving away like worker bees invoked a "bitter sweet" emotion within myself. Sweet because I'm so happy and grateful to be a part of Steemit, to be a part of this wonderful technology and platform. Bitter because look at them, they're like robots doing the same thing everyday. Most of them don't know about Steemit, about the potential, the possibilities, the freedom they're missing out on.

And that is where our responsibility comes in I believe. How many of these people, who drive to work everyday in their metal coffins, will jump at the opportunity to join Steemit. Who have the potential to be investors, to be some of the best authors we have seen on this platform, some of the best curators. ( We already have great authors and curators ), but why not have more!

Some don't know about Steemit, some have maybe heard of it and brushed it off as a "get rich quick scheme" or a "sounds too good to be true" opportunity. For those unbelievers who choose to not join us on this journey that is their decision. Their choice. But what about those who haven't heard about us / Steemit? Do they not deserve the chance to choose if they want to join us or not? This is what gets to me, and I'm guilty of this too...

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Ladies and gentlemen of Steemit, we have a responsibility to inform the masses of this platform! It is up to us to get the word out there and tell people about it! Yes word of mouth has been spreading the news, but most of us know what Steemit is, the pro's and con's, and it's up to us to go out there and convey the good news so to speak to those who haven't heard about this platform yet.

Ever thought that there could be people out there that are wondering, "I want to invest in something but just don't know what"? People who can add even more value to this platform. People who are marketing guru's, fantastic authors, curators, teachers.... the list goes on. They are out there! We just need to go out and spread the word. Tell them about the experiences we've had on Steemit.

Inform them about the financial freedom they can experience, the people they can meet and interact with, etc etc. You know, we are so extremely lucky to be a part of this now. To have gotten in at the early stages. I think some of us take that for granted sometimes. I think sometimes ( myself included ), we focus too much on the negativity of the markets, on the bad media reviews on BTC that we forget why we're here. We're building this community and we're all a part of it! You & I are a part of something so powerful, so unique, that we should be extremely grateful for the opportunity that has been given to us.

I for one want to make more of an effort to inform people about Steemit. From the janitor to the businessman, from the sportsfan to some old lady out in who knows where... We have a responsibility to give these individuals a chance, a choice of becoming part of something unique. Those poor workers I saw today, slaving away... Like worker bees. Robots. Going from paycheck to paycheck.

C'mon guys, let's all stand together and get the masses onto this platform. & let's never forget to have fun, to enjoy ourselves on here and keep adding more and more valuable content!

The Steemit train has left the station... Are you on it? Because I sure as heck am !


Steem-it has so much potential. Whether it's the place for original content creators is another discussion

What do you mean?

Well, the way I see it, content creators putting in time and effort into original work are treated the same way as people just looking to generate traffic. I'm new here, and I posted something yesterday. A freaking meme taken from the internet and posted at the same time got more traction

agreed.........people sink or swim
this place is not fair, neither is life...however, we can use it as a canvas to help us towards our own personal goals imho

I agree! I have been talking to family and friends for a while about it, but now I have taken to telling strangers where appropriate. So like twice today, I did: one Facebook person I follow who is being censored for foul language in videos (Granny PottyMouth, she does a humerous cooking show), and an animal rescue who isn't getting post traction EVEN WHEN THEY PAY FOR IT and so they are not getting enough donations like they used to. I wish all non profits would come here - they could get lots of help on the blockchain!

Indeed, but I think if NPO's start getting some kind of revenue then they might not qualify to be a registered NPO. Well, in my country ( South Africa ) I think it works that way.