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RE: About the Whole Self-Upvoting Debate-- Let's Examine the BIGGER Perspective!

in #steemit7 years ago

There's a thought I've never been asked:open discussions now to consider how we want to shape Steemit for the future.

If I'm not helping in the programming side of the site I didn't think anyone cared about my future plans for the site. Then you decided to ask it and I find myself taken back by it.

As a developing writer I want to write. As a reader I want to read. Doing this in order to learn and share in the moment with people. Create a community online based on mutual respect. I'm sure there is more, but I'm cut off guard and really need time to think about it. Thanks for the thought provoking post


It's important stuff to consider, @kubbyelizabeth, especially in a decentralized structure like Steemit. The questions must be asked... it's a bit like going to the doctor; we try to impress the doctor but forget that the doctor works for US (we're paying!), not the other way around.

I want to write, and I want a venue of some consistent quality that remains stable and "there" in the long term. As such, I recommend we figure out long term objectives, so we can implement short term solutions that inform those long term objectives.

And that can be very hard to do in a system that involves rewards... everybody's more concerned about whether they can "buy a hamburger tomorrow" than whether they will have $10K in their investment account, five years from now.

How do you recommend we figure out long term objectives, so we can implement short term solutions that inform those long term objectives.

Is wanting a venue of consistent quality that remains stable in the long term to simple to achieve?