So why are you still here? You keep wasting your time telling everyone what greedy c*nts they are. This won't make you any friends. You're burning bridges even before they are built.
If you can't see past the monetary reward system of Steem, then you are only here for the money. You are part of the problem, but fail to see it. Ironic, isn't it?
Have fun on Facebook!
If you don't like uncensored decentralized content maybe you should leave? I can say as i please and air my views as i see fit. THATS THE POINT. My point was that you would get more hits on facebook. Which is sad as facebook is a piece of shit......... Everyone having a slice of cake is different than the fat bastard eating the whole cake and sharing 10% with the rest of the party. Why take my own views so personally? am i not entitled to my own identity and opinion?
I don't take your views personally, I do take offence to all the verbal abuse you've been spewing across a whole range of chatrooms for days. Facts that are conveniently left out of this post, cause you're the victim here, right?