Are you dead or visible? It's all about visibility! Put yourself in front of other Steemians!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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The Steemit Ocean is constantly growing, and more fishes are finding their way into this beautiful sea. Some fishes are growing faster than other because of different reasons.

To be a newbie doesn't mean that you aren't as good as the current dolphins and Whales. You are maybe even better than some older users here in a particular topic. Yes, even better or different!

But it doesn't matter at the moment! Nobody knows you at this Moment. Nobody knows that you even exist. Dramatically said.

You can write extraordinary Post, but if no one knows you, it doesn't matter.

In the world of social media, one thing is significant.

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You have to put out yourself in front of the eyes of other Steemians. There are many ways to do that. There is no nostrum.

Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to spam other with nonsense. No, that's not what I am talking about.

You are convinced that you have something to deliver to other users. You know that others can profit from you?

I believe you, but if no one knows that you exist your value is in vain.
And this would be really sad. I read a lot of good content here from new bloggers.

You can't expect that people are only looking for you. No, you have to put yourself in front of them.

Let me give you an example;

Maybe you saw a girl you would like to get to know better. But this beautiful girl seems to have no interest in you, or better to say she doesn't even know that you are there and that you like her. To get her attention you need to do something. Maybe you are sending her a rose makes a joke near to her or whatever. Bye, the way that's why I​ chose my Thumbnail​. She grabs attention. Maybe not :D


Something to get her attention.

Then she takes note from you and you start to get to know each other.

Then she realizes​: Why didn't we meet us earlier?


I hope you get what I​ am trying to tell you?

I believe that you have awesome skills, and stories worth telling.
You have something valuable to share with other...


If no one knows you, no one can profit from you!

So try to get the attention from others.

Don't be dead. Be visible.

Business people know that every Product needs to be market well. Yes, you have to market yourself.

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1.) Start writing good quality Content is a good start.
It's your foundation I would say.

With high quality, I​ mean where you put much effort in because I believe others will feel your energy.


...good content is sometimes not enough to give you the extra boost you deserve.

2.) Engage with other, read and writes noticeable comments or join some Discordgroups for example.

3.) Be patient. Also if you are also doing a lot and you don't see the results you expect, relax an appletree don't grow overnight also not in one week or few months, therefore be patient.

4.) Be consistent as much as possible. If regular​ something​ comes from you it increases the probability​ to be seen

Keep in mind you are doing it because you know others​ can profit from your experience​, but they don't​ know it​.

Follow Upvote Resteem weiß .png

Thanks for reading.


Great Advice!

Thank you my friend.

Good point, I agree. You have to be visible by throwing out great contents ...constantly!!! It helps to build your brand

Wiser words have never been spoken.. well maybe they have but they need to be respoken. Thanks. :)

Thanks for your friendly commment :)

Macht sehr viel Sinn! Und das Gesehen-werden wird immer schwieriger, weil von Tag zu Tag neue Massen auf SteemIt kommen. Ich verliere sogar schon den Überblick bei dem, was Leute denen ich folge schreiben, weil es einfach so viel ist. Wenn dann aber ein Kommentar unter einem meiner Artikel steht, kommt es mir sofort wieder in den Sinn: "Oh, ich habe schon ein paar Tage nicht mehr gelesen, was es auf dem Blog gibt!" Ohne den Kommentar würde die entsprechende Zeit zumindest vorübergehend in Vergessenheit geraten.

Mir geht es oft genau so. :)
Wenn ich einen Kommentar lese von jemanden den ich kenne bzw. folge, erinnert mich das nochmal auf seinem Blog zu schauen ^^

In der Tat der Zuwachs wird mehr und mehr. Da kann man schnell den Überblick verlieren :)

This is awesome! @modernpastor Love it.

Thank you my friend :)

Great post my friend! I absolutely agree with all 4 points!

Glad to read your comment. I know you are someone who has a lot of knowledge in marketing. I appreciate that you read this post :)

Thank you!

I have to thank you :)

Nice post and I agree with your assessment. "If you aren't seen you don't exist" . We as people are brands as well. So we need to advertise ourself as if we are a product. A product that others are interested in and want. Nice post !

Thanks for your comment :)
You are so right! We are our brand and like you said we need to advertise ourselves if we are a product.

I appreciate your comment.

You are welcome - keep up the good work !

This wonderful post has received a bellyrub of 17.11 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to this cool cat: @modernpastor. My pops @zeartul is one of your top steemit witness, if you like my bellyrubs please go vote for him, if you love what he is doing vote for this comment as well.

Good stuff. Your articles are nice quality, and I like the effort you are putting in. Job well done! Keep this up.

Upvoted and Resteemed.

What a great posting! Now you get to know I am here. haha.

@rubymaker yes, I​ take not of you and will stalk your profile ^^

Nicely done, anything worth having takes time and patience. :)

Thanks for your comment :)

Thanks for posting. Definitely agree, those should be written somewhere in gold as the basics of joining steemit, but also making sure they stick around for the long run!

Oh yes, my friend. You are right about that :)

I agree with putting yourself out there. The hard part is being patient. No one wants to sit and wait for something to happen - especially in this day and age when we have instant everything, on demand. :) Great post! #theunmentionables

You ​are so right. To be patient is often a war!
But if we win this nothing can stop us.

Are you​ a member​ of the unmentionables? :)

Yes I am. I saw you in the group!

Yes, I​ entered yesterday :)
Nice to meet you

relax an apple tree don't grow overnight, that's a good metaphor. Thank you for the advice sometimes I question wether something I want to write about even matters or if its just going to be a waste of my time, being a business owner and father of 3, time is valuable. but as always you have the right thing to say to encourage a newb like myself.

Are you a business​ owner and a father of three? I am sure you have something to tell :) If you find this valuable​ then I​ am sure it is. :) Do it, ​my friend.

awesome post friend.please follow me and vote my post.all time I with you. @modernpastor

Sichtbarkeit ist wie überall im Leben wichtig, wer es nicht schafft, sich bei den Menschen einzuprägen und von ihnen gesehen zu werden, geht unter.

Egal ob es deine Familie ist, dein Lehrer, dein Chef.
Sehr guter und wertvoller Beitrag mein Lieber.

Freut mich das du es auch so siehst :)

Very encouraging your post! A great reminder when we sometimes get lost by too many things! Thank You!

This is what I need, because I thinks I wasn't noticed by many... So here I am trying my best . But how many post should I make a day to be noticed?

It's not only about Posting.
There are several ways.

For example read many blogs you like and comment there.
Show that you are interested in. Participate with others in the comment section.

Then​ there are some discord Groups where steemians have a deeper communication Maybe you should join one.

Then of course posting but this is not everything.

I think it's​ a mix of​ everything. The Key is to be social and to connect​ with others. But when you Post then as constant​ as possible.

You don't​ need to post three times a day. It will be also enough if you post only once a​ day but this consistent.