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RE: Offended by Everything

in #steemit8 years ago

people that get offended need to learn how to use the mute button or harden the fuck up.
I cant even fathom what dealing with this over sensitive group would be like irl. i seriously don't even understand how they survived high school with the mentality they hold.

the dumbing down/ and pussifaction shows strong the last 4-5 years imo.

i think it is only gona get worse too with the way society is trying to pander to this group like its ok and normal. they have never had to deal with conflict or conflicting opinions and because of that they don't know how to deal ith it any other way then getting some zombie drugs from the doctor to cope with the fact that billy said something they don't like.
Its sad and pathetic at best imo.

Thanks for the comment and sorry if the reply is confusing. just woke up and haven't made coffee yet. :D brain should be functioning fully in a little.



yeah Edward bernays and the birth of public realations. he is sigmund freud's nephew so ima say it is all suppressed sexual deviation towards his mother that pushed him to give birth to propaganda.
Its fun to joke about but in all honesty its sad.