If you like to be enslaved, stay asleep. Mainstream brainwashing did a great job on you... (Alternative media in many cases is the mainstream ;) We are free as long as we hold together! People with your opinion are the ones who create that dark reality by talking about it like it would be a normal thing. But it's fake. You can find me on the bright sight of life ;) Peace ~
Just to admit , because i chek your profile and i see you are from Germany :) I live in Germany 4 yeras and i bet you have a Patch on your laptop camera !
Süß :) Sometimes I don't understand you, but that's ok... ^^ I didn't want to stress myself here, but then it came over me with so much energy. And I like to do good things for the freedom of humankind ;)
How im enslayved ? ByGoogle colecting data ? He he , im just less paranoic maybe :) I am not focusing at this things simply because i do not care ! I dont have things to hide and its better to use my energy in my reall life than on the virtual :)
The big brather always look at you !
If you like to be enslaved, stay asleep. Mainstream brainwashing did a great job on you... (Alternative media in many cases is the mainstream ;) We are free as long as we hold together! People with your opinion are the ones who create that dark reality by talking about it like it would be a normal thing. But it's fake. You can find me on the bright sight of life ;) Peace ~
Just to admit , because i chek your profile and i see you are from Germany :) I live in Germany 4 yeras and i bet you have a Patch on your laptop camera !
Nice! You live in Germany? Sprichst du auch meine Sprache? You are right with the laptop patch ;)
Weniger reden :)
Just chill you dont need this stres or you will be in my place with aneurysm in the brain :)
Süß :) Sometimes I don't understand you, but that's ok... ^^ I didn't want to stress myself here, but then it came over me with so much energy. And I like to do good things for the freedom of humankind ;)
Sure , defend always your freedom :)
How im enslayved ? ByGoogle colecting data ? He he , im just less paranoic maybe :) I am not focusing at this things simply because i do not care ! I dont have things to hide and its better to use my energy in my reall life than on the virtual :)
Ok, you are strange, but I still like you. I don't have things to hide too, but made some bad experiences with all that collecting data shit...