As someone who homeschooled their children, I can appreciate what you've said here. I think that there are benefits and negatives to everything we choose to do as parents. I know that my homeschooled children at times felt like they were 'missing out' on some things, but by and large they all grew up happy with their childhood.
I also know that they tended to question the exact same things that their father and I did (public schools all the way) when they got into their teens and it made me realize that intelligent people just tend to question things in life. Whether THIS route or THAT one would have been better/worse/whatever.
You gave me a lot of things to think on... and I do find it interesting now that my kids are grown to hear their thoughts on homeschooling and whether or not they plan to do the same with their own children.
Life is all a learning process and I'm glad that I taught them to think for themselves. :)