The Asteroid Files #6 | You Are the Product

in #steemleo5 years ago


"The Asteroid Files are an archive of my detailed, real-time accounts as a cryptocurrency trader. I am not one for posting frequently, but a friend told me to do a fun little series on how I trade, what I trade and why I trade. Maybe this could turn into something fun. Maybe not.

Either way, I'm going to enjoy myself and tie in some fun science fictiony type of stuff with my daily trading endeavors.

Hopefully I can either bring some direct value via entertainment or my sheer trading awesomeness. Regardless, anything you read in my files are not to be taken as financial advice, as that would be wildly irresponsible.

Invest at your own risk and seek help if you are not experienced. My posts are for entertainment purposes only, especially considering that the title of this series is about asteroids which has absolutely nothing to do with trading... or does it?"

Asteroids Portfolio Snapshot:

Screen Shot 20190811 at 10.12.57 PM.png

Portfolio Commentary:

Alts have seen a small rally today. Nothing major, but you can see that the portfolio has rebounded slightly comparative to where it was just 24 hours ago.

I am currently considering a sell on the BNB position to take the 10% profits and then divert those funds into a different coin. I haven't made up my mind yet as to when or if I will do this.

If I do, that will likely happen in the next 24 hours.

You Are The Product:

You should always strive to build yourself and your toolkit.

This is a fundamental truth of investing... and anything else in life.

You are your most valuable asset. You are your own masterpiece.

How you choose to approach your life is how you choose to live and enjoy what you build.

Some people (most, actually) toil their time away by working for other people.

They work on other peoples' time and they make them rich.

Rather, you should learn how to constantly work for yourself. There is a big misconception here --> I am not talking about working for yourself in terms of earning your own paycheck (although this is a good thing as well)...

I am talking about working to build your own skillsets at all times. to be the product.. to be the masterpiece.

Intention is the important factor here!