There is no shame in benefiting from placebo, the psychological effects from believing something is treating you are very real, and if you haven't been scammed into it, there's no issue.
You steal the comment i was about to make. The placebo effect is the only good in it, IMO.
I will now buy a bunch of toothpicks to cure my headache :D
Reading the text "15 cases of headaches treated by Tou Tong Qi Xue" JIAO Jun Jie (author of the previous article) has allowed the author of this article to make a great profit. Thus, from April 2002 to March 2003, he used the point in question to treat with good results many types of headache (neuralgia of the great occipital nerve, tension headache on one side, headache accompanied by confused spirit and feeling of distention caused by cervicarthrosis, trigeminal neuralgia):
Healing (complete disappearance of pain after 1 to 6 sessions, no relapse at 2 months): 17 cases (58.6%).
High efficiency (net decrease of pain after 3 to 6 sessions, no aggravation at 1 month): 9 cases (31%).
Without effectiveness (noticeable decrease in pain after 6 sessions or disappearance of pain but relapses occurring quickly): 3 cases.
The overall efficiency rate is 89.7%.
He also discovered that this point provides sensational efficiency against insomnia and loss of consciousness.
Source :
Lol, you have to be one of the funniest commenters I have!
Well.... I am what I am... yesterday was a full-moon night. This explains things :D
So you are... A werewolf?
More precisely, a vampire-werewolf :)