Mavrinskaya area is a complex of hills, which has an accurate relief shape. From a bird's fly view the square resembles the shape of a spider. In the center of this structure is the Bulk Circle, in the middle of which there are three "entrances" and long undulating rolls on the outer border of the circle.
On the day of the spring equinox the sun goes over the horizon just in the center of one of the depressions - about the same as in Stonehenge. Some scientists suggest that the steppe area is an ancient observatory.
Location: Dnepropetrovsk region (Ukraine)
Sun worshipping was a Khazarian thing wasn't it? Didn't they occupy that land for a time until about the 10th century?
@francesleader, sun worshipping is common for ancient slavic tribes before X century. Khazarian is a bit different culture but they also have similar custom.
Interesting, ive not seen this one, thank you, much love caroline