Learn from Jim Rohn How to Create Unlimited Business Success

in #success7 years ago (edited)

The Law of Sowing and Reaping is the second law that changed Jim Rohn’s network marketing life forever. The parable of the sower comes from the Bible Mark 4:3-9.

In this story, a sower dropped seed on the path, on rocky ground, and among thorns, and the seed was lost; but when seed fell on good earth, it grew, yielding thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.

Jim Rohn’s first law that changed his network marketing life forever was the Law of Averages. Watch the video at

“Secrets” about how to Apply the Law of Sowing and Reaping to Your Business Success

  1. The sower was ambitious – he kept on sowing no matter what happened and the Law of Averages worked in his favor.

  2. The sower had excellent seed – this could be an excellent business, product or service.

The more ambitious you are, especially with excellent seed, the more success you will have with your business, product or service. You will tell people about your business, product or service and people will react in different ways.

The birds will get some of your prospects: You will have people say that they will show up to a meeting, but don’t show up. You can follow up with them to see what happened to make sure they are OK and see if they want to reschedule, but don’t try to run these people down or you will be wasting your time.

The thorns will get some of your prospects: You will also have people you talk to that end up joining you in your business, or become a customer of yours. These people will be super excited, yet let little things keep them from staying motivated and they will quit.

You must keep on sowing your seed, sharing your story, giving an invitation. The more you share your story, the more people you will find that appreciate your seed.

Finally, the seed falls on good ground, as it always will, if you keep sharing long enough. Your new business associates will grow your business either 30%, 60% or 100%.

Don’t try to make the 30% do 69% or 100%. Don’t try to make the 60% do 100%. You must let them grow as they will, while trying to motivate them a little, but if you push them they may not do anything.

Some will, some won’t, so what, next. “That’s just the way it is.” Don’t try to figure out why people do what they do, if you have no control of the situation. If someone quits, don’t try to get them to stay, or don’t try to fix it, unless you know that you did something that you must change in your own behavior or actions to prevent it from happening, again.

Steps to Apply the Law of Sowing and Reaping to Your Business Success

  1. Get out there and share your story and your seeds! Create your own story or testimonial, about your business, product, or service and share it with others. Facts tell but stories sell!

  2. Only help those on your team who deserve to be helped, who show that they are determined, who show you that they are trying to make things happen and be part of the team. If you try helping those that want something for nothing, you will never get them to make something of themselves.

  3. Make yourself better and help your team members become better. Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM).

People that want something for nothing need to change themselves first. You can try to motivate them to take action but don’t waste too much time if they are not putting in any effort.

Help those that help themselves and it will be a win-win situation for your whole team. Each of you will get better, and each of you will start seeing better results through the Law of Averages.

Here's to YOUR Success!
