A Sudden Short Trip | Happy Weekend!

in #sunset7 years ago

Today one of Indonesian Stemian (@orcheva) invited me to discuss about art and stuff at a cafe not too far from my house. It's funny as I have no idea how is he looks like, thanks God I knew one of his friend.

model: @rahmanovic

How I ended up here? Well at 5pm a boy giving an idea to go to beach. What? I can't believe it, because it's all of sudden and soon the sun will sets. I thought it's just a joke as I am somebody new around these people I have no idea about their thought nor their habit.

Thanks to Mr. Bahrul to said "let's join us", as a sunset freaks it's impossible for me to reject such a wonderful invitation, lucky me to be in the right place and the right time. At 1st we were planning to go to a beach... but.... somehow we ended up here.

It takes about an hour to reach this place. Well yeah, it might be not a beach yet you can watch the sea from up here.

The scenery was so stunning that it almost took my breath away.

Say Hi to these unique people who would travel hours only to see the sun sets

Good night &
Enjoy your weekend
Lamreh, 30 September 2017


Karna ada niat yang tulus maka hasilnya menyenagkan postingan nya bagus sekali

This is best one.

Sudah di upvote ya @hananan

Pohonya cocok buat @orcheva bertapa.. hahaha

Tp dia milih utk bertapa di warung kopi, haha

Nggak apa-apa deh, soalnya dia tadi mungkin berniat memberikan saya hadiah jadi menyingkir dan bertapa di warung kopi hahaha...


Heeeeeee..... kak Farah rupanya penghuni steemit juga 😂
Kalau mw ikut sering2 aja gabung bareng mereka2, siapa tw "kamu nanti dapat untung" haha

Hahaha..kami anak baruuu

Apa?! Baru?
Ini yg Hani temukan di Profile kka " Joined July 2017".

Join nya udh lama.. Nulisnya baru..hahaha
Upvote yaaa

Udah dr td 😂

ajarin kode-kodenya lah... biar dlm 1 kolom bisa 2 foto dijejerin

Wah wajah mreka ga asing :)

Iya, mereka org Indonesia, wkwkwkwkw

Well, a good trip is the one you never planned for it.

Yeah, They said so