Today let’s ask the Lord to guide our words, let us praise him for all the good he has done, the lessons he has taught us and the doors he has opened for us. Let us know that we are responsible for setting the temperature as we can diffuse a situation or escalate it with the words we say and ways we respond.
Our speech reflects what is in our hearts, so our words of anger, doubt, deceit, and immorality must be confronted and corrected quickly. Since our words should reflect God, we need His help to ensure that they are righteous, loving, controlled, and full of grace and mercy.
Help me to hold my temper, to hold my tongue, forgive me for the times I have reacted before my thinking was inline with you. Help me to become a strong thermometer and set a heavenly temperature wherever I go. Help me to teach a Godly response to all situations to my children and others.