You'll get no argument from me. I'm 57, and I've never experienced this general level of contempt for the government, by the masses. It's not a Trump thing, or Obama thing - it's a GOVERNMENT and BANKERS THING! It's always the same old story; increased spending, watch the trillions disappear into the 'Black Hole' of The Pentagon, and war...LOTS of WAR! There's always money for war! This ridiculous 'War on Terror' is complete insanity. May as well have a war on, 'Bad Stuff.' How the hell would you even know if you'd won a 'War on Terror?' Does the head terrorist send out a Tweet saying, "You won, terror lost?" I say we have a 'War on War.' The 'War on Drugs' went so well, let's keep going! No drugs here. It's very much about having PERPETUAL WAR, that's where the money is. Keep dropping the bombs, killing the children, and watch the money roll in!
We could at least just keep paying the weapons manufacturers and just drop the bombs in a volcano, instead of on innocent people. If I lived in the Middle East, I'd probably hate the US too. Why wouldn't they when we keep dropping bombs on their families, friends, and homes?
We are very much existing in '1984.' (The book)