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RE: Drone Warfare: Lets talk Ethics

in #technology7 years ago

There is no such thing as Drone warfare . Drones are a tool just like artillery , bombers or rockets . The Cruise Millel is autonomous once launch . Artillery once fired are autonomous . Yet no complaints about them . So you see my confusion .

As far as the BS between Trump and Rocketman is concern only the ignorant and thoes who follow every word from the commentary of the so called News were worried about it .

Your main point as I see it is to ban drones . Chemical weapons have been baned . Yet they are still used on babies and children . Yet I see no outcry on chemical weapons as I see on drones . Why do you think that is ?

I am aposed to War . more so then you can posible imagin . Until the people who enslave others are taken care of before it escolates to such high levels , I see no other way around it . Identify the problem and drones are not the problem only a simtom


The chilling issue about drones is the context in which they kill. When a missile strike/rocket is for example used, a target, physical or geographic, is chosen beforehand. Drones however linger, looking for a target - human, the way you do in a video game and yet the perpetrator of the violence is not physically present and his/her role is indeed obscured. That makes drones more than just ‘any too’ like missiles….

your statement above just lost you your argument

"targets of opportunity " is what you are referring to and are not limited to only drone platforms . You argument is that it depends on distance and time on target . Or whether the impact was observed .

I am not emotionally involved in this subject . I also have vast knowledge and experience . I do not have any concerns about drones or any other platform . That is most likely that I am more based in facts.

I do reserve the right to object on individual usages "attacks,targets" as I do with any platform that might be used . And have demonstrated my disagreement in the past Resulting in changes to procedures and policies .

Killing is not by any means a video game no matter how many time you hear that talking points . The men or women who carry out this horrible task suffer from doing so . I don't know of any video game that inflicts such damage to any of its users from playing their video game.

I enjoyed you post . Even though I disagree with some of your points I support your post and your position . I am of the opinion that more post like this need to be done . I will support all your post that are in this manner . You keep it up , Put your opinion out there I like hearing it .

You have put forth, respectfully i might add, counter-thoughts that make there own strong case, and widened, if not revealed the scope of 'contention' and 'polarities' associated with this sort of subject.

You should know i too respect your opinions/position, @wolfart. All the more so because you give it with as much 'information' as can possibly be sufficient to stand one's ground.

Thanks for the valuable discussion, and the support.

I am glad that you know that I brought this forward with respect .

There is a problem with the use of drones . It needs to be descussed . I do not have a problem with drones and support them themselfs .
However I do have a problem with how and why the targets are selectived . Who selectes them and if used for political gain or opinion making . There should be no hidden facts with the use of them outside of military action . I beleive that they are used by different agencies outside of military action and this I strongle disagree with because there is no court or judicial process . ( due process )

Deep state does the drones. Deep state is stopping Trump. Deep state is destroying the world with the drones and through Big Pharma and more.

Then the problem is the deep state and not the tools used they use. To solve the problem the deep state itself (the people behind it ) needs to be addressed .