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RE: Drone Warfare: Lets talk Ethics

in #technology7 years ago

your statement above just lost you your argument

"targets of opportunity " is what you are referring to and are not limited to only drone platforms . You argument is that it depends on distance and time on target . Or whether the impact was observed .

I am not emotionally involved in this subject . I also have vast knowledge and experience . I do not have any concerns about drones or any other platform . That is most likely that I am more based in facts.

I do reserve the right to object on individual usages "attacks,targets" as I do with any platform that might be used . And have demonstrated my disagreement in the past Resulting in changes to procedures and policies .

Killing is not by any means a video game no matter how many time you hear that talking points . The men or women who carry out this horrible task suffer from doing so . I don't know of any video game that inflicts such damage to any of its users from playing their video game.

I enjoyed you post . Even though I disagree with some of your points I support your post and your position . I am of the opinion that more post like this need to be done . I will support all your post that are in this manner . You keep it up , Put your opinion out there I like hearing it .


You have put forth, respectfully i might add, counter-thoughts that make there own strong case, and widened, if not revealed the scope of 'contention' and 'polarities' associated with this sort of subject.

You should know i too respect your opinions/position, @wolfart. All the more so because you give it with as much 'information' as can possibly be sufficient to stand one's ground.

Thanks for the valuable discussion, and the support.

I am glad that you know that I brought this forward with respect .

There is a problem with the use of drones . It needs to be descussed . I do not have a problem with drones and support them themselfs .
However I do have a problem with how and why the targets are selectived . Who selectes them and if used for political gain or opinion making . There should be no hidden facts with the use of them outside of military action . I beleive that they are used by different agencies outside of military action and this I strongle disagree with because there is no court or judicial process . ( due process )