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RE: How to Stop Terrorism -- 100% Guaranteed

in #terrorism8 years ago (edited)

It is refreshing to read your reply. Thanks. Agree, that love is the only solution and it is not such a remote or idealistic possibility if we all don't just look at the problem but 'see' it for what it is. I have always viewed history as 'dead', used only to instil hatred. In my humble opinion, history has nothing to teach simply because the present is always in flux and the future, like time -- doesn't exist. Watching Judgement at Nuremburg, i understood that the US didn't lift a finger until it became clear that it was only a matter of time that Mr Hitler would come knocking on its door too, albeit none too politely, if they didn't act swiftly.

How i wish I could believe that US 'intervention' as liberators and champions in the battle against 'evil' is a JUST one. But, having spent 25 years in the media it is hard to continue to be taken in by those lies. The colonial expansion of the United States is a mirror image of that of the British Empire. While the Englishman enslaves on principle, Captain America fights the JUST fight -- the end result is the same -- death and destruction for those who don't comply and surrender what the Empire is after. The truth is not longer hidden except from from those who refuse to see.


I have always viewed history as 'dead', used only to instil hatred.

Finally, I found somebody who feels the same.

Terence Mckenna fan?

He identifies culture/history as being an immense problem.

I tend to agree.

Never heard of Terence but glad to meet you :)

I am sure you would like him. Check out some of his YouTube videos if you find the time.

So lets say for arguments sake that the US military stopped all of its foreign activities. No more bombing, bringing stability anywhere, just a purely defensive force that stayed within our borders. You say love is the only solution, what happens when ordinary citizens, with love in their heart, try to spread the message of gender equality to a country that is staunchly against it? When that same country views our media, our culture, our way of life as threatening the fabric of their society, won't they still respond, even violently, when they feel their beliefs are being threatened?

Obviously our military intervention can be the direct cause of retaliatory violence against us, but I believe that people will always find a reason to justify their terrorism.