We encourage everyone to give your review of Redfishcoin on Bitcointalk.
Link is https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2200169.120
We will giving you a tips/rewards on giving review on our project.
You can give suggestion, ask question about project or any observation you have.
Get Rewards from 0.3 Redfishcoin to 1 Redfishcoin per review!
Also, to get rewards, post your Telegram username after your review,
Join our Telegram group to get your rewards!
link: https://t.me/redfishcoin
Once you get response/reply on your Bitcointalk, you already get your Redfishcoin rewards/tips
keep grow up 🚀
Telegram: @alhilmii
Lovely project and great work providing passive incomes. Kudos..