
They put a lot of effort into cultivating Jeffries. Someone has to pay for the setback, as an example to others.

The establishment is trying to do everything they can to stop people like Tommy and Avi from spreading the truth to the public.

The US will answer the alarm bells, but I would suspect that it's foreign nations that are pressing the FBI and perhaps suggesting that Avi could be a potential threat. I'm sure they gave the FBI a laundry list of nonsense.

We should all be careful about what Jews have to say. They speak with forked tongues and have done for a very long time. It's in their DNA.

We in the Labour party are very tolerant, and cannot allow anyone to criticise any of our friends. We believe of course in government sanctioned free speech.

You can find out more here about what we will do when my government comes to power.

Nothing surrounding the FBI sounds out of the ordinary anymore.
Unbelievable that they could restrict his entrance into the states.

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