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RE: Prague/Czech Republic - Wednesday photo challenge - share your personal pictures from your visit to the Czech Republic!

in #travel6 years ago

The photo is absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations!!

Although my entry is not the most picturesque - I decided to share it because it depicts an important aspect to trip in the Czech Republic. It was not only about architecture and historical building but also a chance to sample local traditional food.

The photo shows a meal which I ate at Czech friend's home when I visited them during winter last year. The dish is called svíčková na smetaně. I cannot pronounce but I can describe the meal. It is steak served with a sauce of root vegetables like carrots and celeriac with a variety of spices, slices of bread dumpling, a bit of whipped cream topped with a slice of lemon and cranberry jam. I understood that this is a popular dish.

It was a very tasty dish although not a big hit with one of my daughters. She liked the dumpling but not the vegetable sauce.

I was told that it is a popular dish. Although I had been twice to the Czech Republic I had tried other traditional food but not this one.


Awww, svíčková!!! One of my very favorite dishes! I miss it sooo much here in Mexico :) Brilliant shot. Just too few dumpling slices for me, I usually have 10 or more of them :D