The LameStream Media Gets So Many Things Wrong

in #trump7 years ago

Remember, remember! The fifth of November, The Gunpowder treason and plot; I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot!

People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people!

GREETINGS, PEOPLE OF THE WORLD - WE ARE ANONYMOUS. The banking-military-industrial-complexes of the world keep pushing to divide The People. They put blames on certain groups, and keep us divided, ignoring them who are the true threats. No one group is more a threat than any others. Humanity, as a whole, has done great harm to other humans. When one group is cast with blame, we shall show the other side of such stories...these are the sides that the corporate media don't want you to think of. Just follow the bouncing ball, sit back, and don't question.

Some of us will no longer do so.

Perhaps one of the most annoyingest traits the lame stream media, and those that support it have, is identifying the opposite party that they tend to identify with as being the party of the president. Under the prior admin, some called it the Obama Party. Now, they call it the Trump Party. Maybe it's more pathetic, than anything. To idiotically lump all individuals in one party as being exactly like the president, because you simply can't allow others to don't believe as you do to exist.

Some are questioning Trump's tariffs and trade war. China owns well over 1 Trillion of the U S debt. To encourage people to buy domestic, when the country was founded, tariffs were used, so they wouldn't buy cheaper, foreign items.

It's also worth noting that many say Congress does nothing; usually this may be heard in reference to the Republicans, but Democrats would be as guilty. Both parties gave banks hundreds of billions in bail out money, money that could have taken The People out of debt, and made our lives better. Both parties also decided to bring about the unpatriot act, to renew it, and to do nothing to reel in the spying police state.

It's also amazing that each side will defend their party's leaders, especially in the role of president. Currently, some are blindly attacking Trump, whereas just a couple of years ago, they would blindly defend Obama, including referring to it as “scandal free.” Just what, exactly, was the drone strikes on sovereign nations, killing kids—including those 3 and under—supposed to be?

Some Dems STILL, blindly, support ACA, even though “we need to pass ACA, to find out what's in it.”

What the law allowed to happen was that employers who didn't want to pay for employees health care, under the new law, to simply cut their hours, putting the burden on the workers. Then, as if that wasn't enough, if one didn't qualify for subs, they were hit with an IRS fine, for something they couldn't afford in the first place. And how were they supposed to afford the fine? Luckily, Trump nixed the mandate requiring it. No mandate, no fine. Imagine that.

For the fools that complain about Trumps sexism, maybe you should look at the Clintons, and their own history. And for the arrogance of Obama supporters, just look at those who decided to have Obama's face replace the stars on the US Flag.

How is that, for honesty?

Next, we'll look at all of the Russia issues.

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forgive. We do not Forget. EXPECT us!