Get Hyped! West World Season 2 Trailer Released

in #tv7 years ago

The new trailer for West World Season 2 looks awesome and SW confirmed!

West World is HBO's latest masterpiece, unfortunately, many people will never appreciate it as it is complex and confusing.

West World is a show about a luxury theme park for rich people filled with lifelike robots with advanced AI. It is a spin off the 1973 SciFi classic of the same name. The movie eventually had a sequel called FutureWorld.

The HBO show changes the story around a lot but still pays tribute to the original with an easter egg of the robot Yul Brynner played in the original movie.

In the movie, two friends go to the West World theme park for rich people, and things don't go as planned. In the show, the story is more about the robots than the guests. Although initially, they both play a big role.

A lot of people I have spoken with about the show, including my wife, don't get it. They give up after an episode or two because the story is deep, dark, and complex. The story isn't spoon fed like most modern shows, it will involve a lot of thought and have you thinking for days after each episode wtf is going on.


Season 1 had a budget of $100 million dollars and $25 million was spent on the first episode. The budget and complexity of the show have forced HBO to put a 2-year gap between Season 1 and Season 2.

Many have claimed the show is like a video game, the theme park has a Red Dead Redemption/Skyrim vibe to it. As you enter the park you are free to go where you want, take part in storylines (in video game speak, quests) as you choose. The further out you go, the more dangerous and exciting the stories get.

The robots are unable to kill or harm guest, but the guests can assault the robots physically, mentally, and sexually as they please. Each night the robots and the environment are "reset", something that I never really liked as it is was more far-fetched than the rest of the SciFi in the show.

Ignoring the reset issue, the show is fantastic and gripping. Once you get over the initial shock and confusion, it just piles on more wtf by the episode.


Anthony Hopkins gives an amazing performance, and not in the I'm a critic trying to promote the show sort of way.


Jeffrey Wright playing Bernard Lowe is my favorite character though, he is uncontrollably likable intellectual types. Although his character is secondary to the main characters, I find him the most interesting of them all.

I find the show especially interesting as I am fascinated with AI and the issues it presents to humanity. I won't get into that now as that's a long story and a whole nother mind fuck of its own. I'd love to chat about it sometime though, but not sure there is much of an audience for it.

One of my favorite You Tubers has a great video poking fun at the absurdity of West World. It's really is a great watch, and I don't know anyone who knows more about Star Wars than maybe George Lucas and even that I question.

If you watch the show, how excited are you for Season 2? Did you a few episodes in and wonder wtf you were watching and gave up?

All images are the property of HBO and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

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I LOVED the first season! Yes, it's pretty complicated and yes, you actually have to pay attention when you're watching instead of being on your phone, but that's great. They created such a fascinating world. I can't wait to see where it goes in season 2.

There's been a lull in TV lately, but it's starting to pick up now. The last season of The Americans premiered last night and the second season of The Handmaid's Tale (my favorite series) is coming in a month. It's a great time to be a TV viewer!

Do people actually play on their phones while "watching" a TV series? 🙃 How does that even work?

I think that happens a lot these days. People are only partially engaged with what they watch. Not to mention, people are live tweeting about a show, so that means they're on their phones and distracted.


Daaaaamn, this is my favourite thing! I need this. So hyped. I've been waiting for it ever since I was watching the last episode of season 1. I was so sad that it was too new and didn't have 7 seasons like GoT.


I'd love to chat about it sometime though, but not sure there is much of an audience for it.

I'd be excited to have this chat :) It's one of my favorite things in the world.

Ahem! Can I join too? :)

Strike that. We need to have you both as guests on Deskflip & Chill - my geeky podcast with @didic !

Yay! Now, two is enough audience. :3 Let's do thiiis

Podcast recording with @didic . Yes yes yes!

I caan't :( Too many reasons to list here. But summing up, broken mic, broken laptop and anonymity.

Mobile, discord, voice alteration app. Excuses excuses... :P

Lol, I got mugged and don't have a cellphone anymore, and no one in my family does (because they all got mugged too in different occasions 🙃)

edit: I think the closest cellphone or proper laptop in my reach is in the outskirts of the city, two or three hours of commute from my home

Making a note to start an airtable to manage guests and topics.

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Hi there, I noticed you downvoted my income report post. May I inquire as to why?

Because you are a massive spammer and I'm tired of seeing your stupid messages.

Hype level - over 9000. That's some quality scifi and I can't wait!!!

Super high quality! I am a fan of sci-fi series, movies and literature and am always a deep critic of the choices the authors make, but in Westworld I just had to praise them for it all. <3

pretty awesome! will check it out later today. thanks for sharing!

I'll save you some time for later.

the HBO drama set to return on April 22 at 9p.m. on HBO.


2 days after 4:20!


Looking forward to season 2 here and GOT of course!!

good post..

I need to binge watch this West World. Seems I'm missing out on all the fun.

i will love to watch that series movie cause it's my hobby

One amazing series! we have been waiting for season 2 for a very long time. Thanks to u :D

Is it a spinoff of an old movie? Or is the old movie a spinoff of our reality 😱😱

We are all sex robots 🤖 🎤💦💦💧☔️


you keep trying to get me into this series. OK its fine to start watching it. I just had such a hard time watching the first episode it just didnt work for me

Yes, I am a little bit excited. Thanks for winding me up! :)