Hi there everyone! Today, I would like to share my ulog for today.
ULOG 4: Banner Making

Today, as of May 28,2018 in our summer catechism, I am assigned for tutoring the representatives for the quiz bowl this upcoming culminating activity which will be held in the church this coming Wednesday, May 30, 2018 (Philippine timezone). I can really say that my students and I were stressed out. They were stressed out because I gave them a hundred-item test, but since I pity them, I just cut it out to 80. I'm kind of stressed out because of the planning for the upcoming big event wherein there are some minor works to do also. Thank goodness that my colleagues were there to plan with me.
So for today, first, we planned for the banner wherein we had to plan it on a rush hour since my colleague suggested not to use tarpaulin for it to be fair with the others in the event. The banners will be used to represent the chapel or the group we are in.
Thank goodness that our head cathecist had already an idea for the banner and since they wanted to use calligraphy fonts, I volunteered for the letterings and the others volunteered for the designing of the banner.
So I wanted to share my output I just finished for around 4 hours.
So here's the unfinished product, yet the theme is already done.
For our Flores de Mayo, the theme was entitled, "Mother Mary: The Flower of May and Model of Servant Leadership."
I used calligraphy fonts since I love to do calligraphies. In that part, I am actually sketching the pattern for the name of our chapel, "Birhen sa Barangay".
It actually took me a lot of time to do it since I have to measure the spaces by 2 inches for it to be equal and with the borders as well.
That's my draft to practice my hands for the pattern of the letters so that there will be no complications in the actual output. That's a technique! ^___^
That's me taking a selfie the time I rested my hands from writing since I can't feel my fingers already since I was writing for a very long time. Just don't mind my face. Haha.
After 4 hours, tadaaa... The letterings are already done! Yey! ^____^
So there it is. It's already done!
Materials used:- Pilot permanent marker -Since I do not have any calligraphy pens at all. So I used some alternatives.
- Faber-Castell Mechanical pencil- I used it for doing the patterns of the letters. You can use regular pencils too.
- Ruler - I used this to make the borders and for the letters to be equally aligned.
- Yellow Cartolina - Yellow is our chosen color so we used this color as well.
Though the banner isn't still done because of the lacking designs and colors, but I'm still happy that I was able to finish the calligraphy which is assigned to me and I did it without complications.