@netuoso I see what you're saying and I can see how my above comment could come across as a sweeping statement in regard to the rejection of modern medicine.
I don't think natural cures are always the answer and I have read horror stories about how children have died because their parents never took them to a doctor. The point I'm trying to make is that society as a whole medicates as soon as it's suspicious of a disease or sickness. In the case of a cold, I don't know why one would take steroids that are harmful to your body in other ways rather than just rest. ADHD obviously is in a different realm of medicineand I'm not an expert on the subject. What I can tell you is that I've seen people gain weight, get seizures, lose their sensibilities, and transform into people I cannot recognize on drugs like Ritalin. I don't argue that it may be helpful to some, but I do see how that type of medicine damages your body.
Yeah I agree that big pharma pushes drugs instead of cures. I don't medicate at the first sign of illness but if it gets debilitating of course I would.
I think it seems that we are on a similar page.