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RE: USA greatest nation in the world

in #victims7 years ago (edited)

If you read your post you will see that I am right
Although drug companies insist they need to charge high prices in order to fund R&D, critics point to exorbitant profits and executive pay at pharmaceutical companies as proof that drugs are simply overpriced and that the claim of needing to fund R&D is merely a front


that is sort of an assumption isnt it? why is everybody so interested or concerned with what other people are making, although i agree that some of these executives are way to well compensated, they dont set their own pay , that is set by the board, and if they dont do everything in their power to maximixze corporate profits they can be fired or jailed ,, there is a thing called fiduciary responsibility.

Once you are in power "you just did your job" who an when was that statement?

By the way you are asking the wrong question
The question is "when it's perfectly legal to take too much money from sick people " should we change the leagal frame.
There are many laws they where wrong and needed to be changed

people have a legal and personal responsibility as a CEO they dont make the rules but they certainly have to play by them.

Overcharging the sick is ok for you
Hope you will not end up with somebody sick in your family
Then you will understand and regret your dumb position

overcharging the sick? what the hell are you talking about, my entire point is that health care is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to expensive in this country, that is where the problem is , and if somebody in my family ends up sick i will pay for it, i dont think it s right to punish everybody else because i have a problem. i am one of those rare people that believe in taking care of my business and my responsibilities , i know its hard for people like you to understand but i am kinda proud that i havent sunken to the level of needing someone elses help with my finances .

Solidarity is no punishment solidarity is an intelligent achievement of society
big pharma is overcharging
You said it yourself that the system makes them do it
Otherwise they are not doing there job
Solidarity of the consumers is the counterweight of that
Congrat that you are able to take care of your finances but let me ashure you I am doing more than fine myself so that's not that great of an achievement
So many people in your country are poor and struggle with there basic needs it's a disgrace for a rich country like yours

i dont disagree, i just dont want someone elses hands in my pockets when they should be manning a shovel or a keyboard somewhere.

"We can no longer sustain a system where 300 million Americans subsidize drug development for the entire world," said Steve Miller, chief medical officer for Express Scripts Holding Co., the largest U.S. manager of prescription-drug benefits.

The drug industry sees it differently.

"The entire health-care system in the United States is more expensive than other countries," said Robert Zirkelbach, a spokesman for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America trade group. "The difference in prices here in the U.S. compared to other countries is often vastly overstated," because comparisons don’t include all the discounts drugmakers give to various payers.

That's from your 1. Post
Although drug companies insist they need to charge high prices in order to fund R&D, critics point to exorbitant profits and executive pay at pharmaceutical companies as proof that drugs are simply overpriced and that the claim of needing to fund R&D is merely a front