Amazing Sand Pendulum!

in #video8 years ago

Stumbled upon this video and thought it was really underrated with only a thousand views! Make sure to like it if you enjoyed it!

I thought I'd post it here for more users to see and let the youtuber know about it in a comment.


I like that idea of commenting on the share. I think I will do that myself. Every little bit of exposure helps!

It's effective. ^^

oh wow, a subreddit I hadn't stumbled upon yet! :D

How was it relevant to this video, though? :P

There is gold in there that if judiciously reposted to steemit would make for great content here, in the same vein as the video you posted.

True, was scrolling through it a bit, quite a few gems here and there!

Also, TIL a new word. :D