Hi Hive!
40 weeks done, only 12 to go!!!

The last busy weeks have made me very anxious and stressed over posting daily, and my computer overheating all the time hasn't helped.
I've been thinking about fixing the thing, but in the end never ended up doing it after all.
Photography-wise I've been exploring studio art and editing photos. It's been quite fun, but time consuming, as the computer needs breaks every once a while.
But no more chit-chat, I'll let you go and see the posts!
Here are the posts I made in #DailyAndFresh last week:

Even more pumpkin on Saturday 📷

Camping out in the desert 📷

When we met Ninnu's boyfriend, Heimer 📷

The Troll's Treasure 📷

A trip to the Mediterranean 📷

It's just a mirage 📷

Dog collars from China 📷
The whole week seemed to be a bit compared to my usual photos.
I hope you liked them.
Lots of photos that i have missed and hopefully i will be touch now of daily and fresh.