Frost? Is That All We're Getting?

in #winterlog6 years ago (edited)

Well, it's sunny today and the whole week, it has been pretty sunny. In fact, it's officially spring and some even think it already is summer since the sun seems to be setting later, lately.

It's pitch black at 17:00 here but not lately. The sun is still shining though it's almost 19:00 pm. The bulbs are awake and once again, am awaken by the blackbird's soft chirping around 5 am. It puts a smile on my sleepy head.


However, weeks before this, I had been complaining about not having an official winter at all. We did have one wintery night that melted so soon some time in December while Canada, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France and the Scandanavian countries were blessed with snow.

They may beg to differ because some even had blizzard and storms and death tolls but imho, it's not officially winter unless it actually snowed.


I was expecting extreme winter this year because of that extra hot, hot summer we had last year. It seemed to be the pattern here, extreme summer = extreme winter. Well, it was indeed an extreme winter but then elsewhere and not where we are so while the rest of the world was complaining being buried in snow, we watched with green eyes and the thought that we could somehow, play our sleds on a frozen mere in front of our houses which barely happens and this year, one again, never did.

Up North, perhaps they did have more than we did and some must have gotten on their skating shoes but not where we were. We had but a short lived - a day of snowing and three days of ice and another day for bonus a week after that.

I actually caught a flu due to playing in the snow but even if it spoiled me a week or two, I still do want it to snow! Heck, yeah, winter isn't winter unless there is snow!


Unfortunately, it seems to be cut short, it's already Spring says the birds and some bugs and the bees are already awake collecting nectar from Snow Clocks that have already bloomed in some open field. The bulbs in my backyard seem to be still warming up and I can't wait till they do, bud.


Soon, nature would be showing off blooms!

This content's 100% mine . I took the pics with my D Eye.

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Hi ya mon ami,

Lovely photographs of the frost....just crinkly bits of ice on the beautiful green......thank you.

Looking forward to Spring with you.

All the best.

A bientot!

thanks for droppin by mon ami
yes, I've missed the plants
Cheers to them already wakin up!


We got some snow, but it disappeared 2 days ago
Well now I don't have to clear the snow.

Thanks for the video you shared

That's the good thing about it,
we don't have to shovel any
well, my hubby did a bit
and sprinkled salt in front of the house
but nothing much of a bother

I miss it a bit haha

hehe yes

We will enjoy ourselves in the spring that comes

Alright lass! I do feel that we have missed the winner a bit. It is well and truly almost spring!


there, too?
we did have a bit of it

btw, am sure glad to see you!
thank you!

Glad to see you too :0)

We had a bit but not proper snow. There was never a proper winter except for a few days of real cold!!

Frost in winter - how beautiful... ;-)
Here in NORTHERN Germany we had 15 degrees today. Spring, garden day! I enjoyed the day, but I think a real winter would be important for nature.
Get well soon with the flu!

Thank you Chriddi
am all well
Enjoy the sun, today as well
don't go bakin yourself without sunscreen xx

No Sunburn but freckles... :-))

Beautiful photography very nice capture this snow ,i never seen this snow ,first time I will see..

So we don't have winter here.
We here Not snowing
I also want to play with snow.

hi amiga.
not a huge fan of snow myself must admit.
i don't mind it for a day, but if it is still there the day after i get miffed lol

lol, you barely get it in Greece either yes?
please send some sun for my bulbs
they're still asleep more sun needed
have fun amigo!