His problem was he never got over his speech impediment. He has the look and obviously the the talent, but sadly was never much of a talker, and it always did, and probably always will, hold him back.
His problem was he never got over his speech impediment. He has the look and obviously the the talent, but sadly was never much of a talker, and it always did, and probably always will, hold him back.
If I had that power, I would have put him with Heyman.
Yeah, it might have worked. But from what I've understood about Heyman, he needs to be motivated to get someone over.
It never really worked with Ryback and Cesaro and Perfect's son, since Heyman, according to Ryback, was never really that interested to work with them. At least not as interested as he was working with Punk and Lesnar.
True. Jack's pairing with Mantel wasn't bad the gimmick was just fucked from the get-go.
I don't think wrestling fans knew how to react to the pro-American patriot being the heel.
It was weird.
A babyface, true American Jack Swagger going against a heel Alberto Del Rio could have worked in today's political climate.
Agreed. WWE tried to do the whole "Tea Party is racist" thing and it never took.