Today I would like to thank everyone who, in one way or another, contributed to my mother's recovery. She arrived halfway through the 20 physiotherapy sessions and is doing very well and recovered.
On the 18th of May she returns to the hospital just for a routine checkup to be released.
Thanks to the Splinterlands game and the sale of the card I won in the Monster March promotion, I got one of the best physiotherapy centers, with a great environment for my mother.
Unfortunately in Brazil there is a system called SUS, for those who cannot afford physiotherapy private and the queue lasts between 7 months and 1 year.
we are a 3rd world country and our health is extremely outdated.
In this center my mother is receiving all the attention and devices for a quick recovery.
I made a point of writing this post to show how happy I am with my mother's recovery.
Thank you @Splinterlands and all friends who with positive comments I translated for my mother left her more positive and ready for another journey.