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RE: Europa: The Last Battle - Európa: Posledná bitka S01E07

in #2017last year

The creator of the documentary as well as the whole community is blocked on all known social networks and other streaming platforms. The document is available to the general public via and shared on our regional community network with a description with links to the authorship and their websites attached to each video. The goal is to share the suppressed information with the general public and to support the work of the creators and the community behind the documentary. We do not expect any remuneration nor do we act as an individual and in case of further difficulties we would like to invite you to attach instructions on how to refuse remuneration for a given contribution and best of all how our goal and aim is not to receive any remuneration from the content created by our community members who share their content on our free community platform. We are not an organization, we are not an individual we are a community. Thank you.