The genre heritage of the classic Hollywood Horus Verbinsky reinterprets throughout his career. He edited Errol Flynn's adventure films in "Pirates of the Caribbean", and "Lonely Ranger" grew out of the pre-war Westerns. "Medicine from health" in turn unequivocally reminds "Dracula" with "Frankenstein's Curse": the gothic turrets and casemates are ripening in the frame, the play of light and shadow excites the imagination, the only young patient of the sanatorium (Mia Goth), the decent actor Jason Isaacs revels in the role of an almost operetta villain. All this classic story machinery is, as always, at Verbinsky's, set on quite modern rails and develops the idea that large capital literally poison the existence of all those who, on duty, ensure the functioning of its streams. "The Magic Mountain" by Thomas Mann, multiplied by anti-globalization criticism, sends greetings to the "Island of the Damned", as well as the entire filmography of Guillermo del Toro. "
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