Thankful For Iced Tea!
Good grief! It is so unbelievably hot! I know, I get it, it's summer. It's going to be hot. It happens every year. It shouldn't come as a surprise. But this is a different kind of heat. I'm used to extremely high humidity and there's usually a little breeze. The air for the last few days has been so dry and still. It's as hot in the shade is it is in the sun. But the sun is so intense it starts stinging my skin after just a few minutes. I'm going through a gallon and a half of iced tea a day!
The pictures in this post are a little dark because I came out at 6:15 this morning to poke around in the garden while it was still cool enough to take a breath. So there's a shadow on everything.
Good Morning, Glories!
The morning glories are happy to see you!
Let's Start With Some of the New Guys
This is my first year growing sorghum, and I've only attempted corn one other time several years ago. But my very young son got it with the weed eater. I didn't plant much this year and there was a lower germination rate than I expected, but I'm enjoying watching it grow.
Next Up, Viney Things!
The viney things are doing well. I got a late start on my Scarlet runner beans, that were sent to me by @fernowl through @sotall. The little red flowers are bright and pretty with all the greens and yellows in the garden.
It looks like I've got some volunteer lemon cucumbers. I hope they don't cross with my other cucumbers, I'd like to save the seed.
We'll be having patty pan squash pretty soon. The plants are loaded with yellow blossoms. I'm thinking of plucking a couple off and stuffing them for dinner tonight.
Peppers and 'Matas
These are the black Hungarian peppers that Adam got at the planting festival at Baker Creek. They're comin' on strong with no signs of slowing down. I love the purple blossoms!
The tomatoes are doing wonderfully! I didn't label them, so I can't identify all of them positively by variety yet, but I can pick out a few.
To right: Waggoner blue-green. These will be dark blue, almost black on the outside and bright lime-green on the inside. Perfectly round, these tomatoes inspire some plate fright to my non-foody friends, but that's okay. More for me!
Dead center: Douchova pepper tomatoes. Just like a bell pepper, when these bright yellow tomatoes are cut open, there is no juice. Just thick tomato walls and the seeds are clustered in the center of the hollow fruit on a thin membrane. So cool! Great for people who don't like tomatoes based on their sometimes ' slimy' texture.
Left of center are the atomic grapes. This is my first year growing these tomatoes and I'm excited to taste them. The vibrantly multi-colored image of them in the Baker Creek catalog sold them to me.
Bottom: Black Vernissage. I've received several free envelopes of these seeds over the last few years with the purchase of Baker Creek seeds. This is the first year I'm growing them.
I'm growing 14 varieties of tomatoes this year and I'm anxious to start seeing all of the vibrant colors from the pink icicle to the Berkeley tie dye!
Thanks for checking in on my garden with me!
Be sure to check out this post on medicinal Passion flower and enter for the medicinal seed giveaway!

Super exciting!
I swear I'm gonna grow tomatoes one day. All mine keep dying. I'm gonna kill the sun, I think it's cooking them.
Did you say you get free seeds? I need to look into that Baker Creek seed joint.
Some of my tomatoes are getting sun scorched.

You can see the light spit on that one. Out looks like a burn. 😕
We're really just getting into the hot part of the summer. I think we're going to try to rig up something to give him a little bit of shade this weekend.
Baker Creek gives out free seed with every purchase. They sent the vernissage tomatoes a couple years in a row, and I've picked up several with purchases at the Planting Festival.
I'm getting ready to do a post on a seed carousel that I'm going to start in the next few weeks. Keep an eye out for that. I can send it to you first if it's something you're interested in.
I'm interested, but I'll catch it when you post. I like upvoting :)
Just added you to my @ginabot notifications, so I shouldn't miss a post :)
She's a helpful little sprite, ain't she?
So helpful! I really like the interface with steemit and Gina better than the notifications on partiko or busy.
I'm getting ready to post about the seed carousel. If your interested in receiving it first, let me know so I can announce the first recipient. You can send your address to me on Discord (powellx5) or through email - [email protected]
[email protected] :)
What's the numbers after your discord name? I'm nateonsteemit#1247