Friday night stood out from all the other weeknights. Why is that?. Friday nights were fish n’ chips night. My father would drive to a small, local restaurant. The shop was located on, what was then known as Brown’s Line, called Oly Ann’s. Perhaps, not the most faltering name but the fish n’ chips were marvellous.
The fish, halibut, of course, is also pretty good. As the food is served, my memory wanders back to the days when I went to Oly Ann’s with dad to pick up the family dinner. It was a special time just the two of us, out together.
It is thought that the first fish n’ chip shop in England opened in Oldham, Lancashire around 1863.
French fries or chips are the perfect delivery vehicle for vinegar and deep-fried fish serves the same role for tartar sauce. Now I am not a big fan of tartar sauce and only dip the odd piece of fish in it, preferring just black pepper or black pepper and vinegar to season the fish. But the tartar sauce provides a distinct contrast to the vinegar and this makes the meal varied and simply delicious.
I believe I have talked myself into fish-n-chips for Friday night dinner.
Sounds like a good family memory. I ate lunch with my father every Friday during football season when I was in high school. He worked 40 minutes from home but would drive home and we would go to the Tastee-Freez. I love fish and chips but have to admit I use ketchup - not a purist I know :)
Ketchup is forgiveable. :-)
Fun times! Fun memories.
We rarely, rarely went out to eat as I grew up. But dad cooked a mean steak and spare ribs on the grill.
Summer BBQs, great memories.