I Can't Wake Up Early

in #4amclub4 years ago

I was debating whether I should maintain a private journal (ZenJournal, it's good, check it out) or write here.
I think I'll write on [insert Hive/ZenJournal app]...x100 is what happened. Kept getting confused, kept changing my preference. But now, I'm gonna stick here.

I was afraid of putting out there my failures. But I think failures can be transformed into hilarity. I don't think I used the word right, but it feels so.

Because every day's been the same: I try to wake up early, I can't. Imagine my blog filled with these posts, my gift to posterity. Forever. Statues will be raised in my honor. Of me getting beat up.

So I thought it'd be better if I kept my failures to myself in my personal journal and slowly be not-faily. Now I realize, either I succeed or fail successfully. There's no what-kinda-journal-to-maintain in the equation. That's just based on what my purpose of writing my journey down is. And my purpose is...it's a blockchain, it'll stay forever, let the future people enjoy my journey. Maybe learn from it?

It's fun.

So, without further ado, here's my report for the day:

I didn't wake up early.

Look forward to the same report for the next how many ever years you're alive.

No I'm kidding. You might die after a few days too.

No I'm kidding again about what I was kidding about. What I was kidding about was, I'll identify why I'm not able to wake up early, write it here, and then we'll solve it together!

See, now there's an aspect I won't get in a personal journal: the doing-it-together bit. That sense of adventure. I'm dead inside when I write all these dramatic bits.

Nice big heading to make the post look good

And now here's the real heading: Problem Solving

The moment I'm awake, I'm tired and it feels like I only slept for 5 minutes. The whole damn body feels broken and in need of repair. So I do the repairs. By sleeping.

Screw all this description stuff. I don't look forward to anything. So I don't wake up early. Goddamnit and now I'm wondering again if I need to write all this here.

I don't care I don't wanna fix this lol.

Imagine I ended the post there, how anti-climactic that'd be. See, this is the problem when I write here: I don't get to the point.

Let's get to the point

The Point


It's like I'm idea schizophrenic (who tf invented this complicated ass word)

Instead of different personalities, I have different ideas floating around, making noise, that I'm not supposed to act on.

Man, I guess this has to be done slowly? There's no other way to get up early. Argh I forgot I had already made a plan.

Yeah I'm maintaining a personal journal.