Got up at 12:45 pm instead of the usual 2 pm. I felt like shit and was angry at (the usual) people in my mind, by putting myself in imaginary situations where I'd get angry at them.
Eating fruits only the whole day
This is another side-experiment I'm doing. It's 4:53 pm and I'm hungry as shit. I need to find better adjectives. But! Soon after eating fruits (prunes, apple, pears) it felt like drinking the nitrous from Vin Diesel's Charger: I was supercharged and active. I was a hot air balloon; wanted to stand up and walk around instead of sitting in a place.
I, uh, had a purpose
I remembered a purpose for waking up early. I had made a schedule for the whole fam which would give lots of free time for mom. Damn it, so the whole point is lost.
Whatever lol.