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in #52sobenk25 years ago

'Fuser' is 'Rock Band' and 'DropMix' without the expensive clutter

"10 years ago you'd be forgiven for calling Harmonix "the Rock Band guys," because there was a three-year span where that's all the developer produced. And for the past few years Harmonix has gone all in on VR, with titles like Audica and uh, Rock Ban..."


Amazon will deliver some same-day orders in just a few hours

" We knew Amazon was considering making one-day shipping the default for Prime-eligible purchases, but now, the company is going even further. Prime members in Philadelphia, Phoenix, Orlando and Dallas can now expect their same-day orders to arrive in just a fe…"


Skullcandy's Crusher ANC headphones are $60 off

" We had a lot of good things to say about Skullcandy's Crusher ANC headphones when we reviewed them last year, but the price was not one of them -- $319 felt a little too steep. But if you've been holding out on a pair in the hopes the price might com..."


Atari classic 'Missile Command' is coming back as a mobile game

" Atari has been milking Missile Command nostalgia for a while with re-released games and even plans for a movie (not that it has materialized), but its latest may be appealing for its relatively straightforward appeal. It's developing Missile Command:..."


Tesla begins selling a $5,500 track package for the Model 3

" Tesla has launched a new track package for Model 3 Performance owners looking to give their vehicles a boost. The Model 3 Track Package comes with 20-inch Zero-G Performance wheels, stickier Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires and high-performance brake pads, an…"


《半条命:艾力克斯》的游戏视频让我们初尝 Valve 的 VR 世界

"《半条命:艾力克斯》只剩下短短几个礼拜的时间就要正式上线,作为预热,Valve 一口气放出了三支游戏视频,让我们得以一探 3A 级的 VR 大作是什么面貌。从视频当中可以看到,《半条命:艾力克斯》同时采用了三种不同的移动方式,可以真人实时的移动(但这当然会受限于游戏空间的大小)、可以通过控制器移动,也可以用「传送」的方式移动。可以想像的是,第一种适合短距离拾取物件或与环境互动,第二种适合空间感不好的人或是环境的探索,而第三种则是可以快速在环境中跳来跳去,在战斗中有奇效吧。当然,Valve"


Mercedes' new E-Class knows when you're holding the wheel

" Mercedes vehicles come with state-of-the-art driver assist features, but with the 2021 E-Class sedans, it wants to make sure you use them properly. As such, it has introduced a new steering wheel with capacitive touch technology that can detect whether your h…"


加入 5G 的黑鯊 3 系列考虑到了更多玩家的需要

" 旗舰手机跟电竞手机之间的分野,随着 ROG Phone 这样级别怪物的出现,终于已经大到可以被完全当成两个不同品类来看待的地步。既然如此,接下来的新品除了还要保证高性能外,也必须拿出足够强的差异化卖点才行。而今天亮相的黑鲨 3 系列就是朝着这个方向去打造,它在补强过去一年业界整体提升颇大的显示和充电这两部分同时,也加入了一些玩家非常乐于见到的设计。 首先在外观上,黑鲨 3 和黑鲨 3 Pro 仍看得出一些前两代的影子。它们拥有和过去相似的背部线条,而且中间的品牌标志也有「AI"


The Morning After: NASA is taking applications for new astronauts

" Hey, good morning! You look fabulous. SXSW 2020 has not been canceled and will start as planned in just a couple of weeks. However, the show will lack some social media muscle due to the absence of Facebook and 2007 SXSW darling, Twitter. Both companies annou…"



" アイロボットジャパン監修のもと、ロボット掃除機「ルンバ」のガシャポンが販売されていることをみなさんはご存知でしょうか? 私は2月に開催された「Roomba s9+」製品発表会の参加者へのノベルティとして頂くまでその存在を知りませんでした。そのガシャポンの完成度が素晴らしかったので軽いインプレッションをお届けします。 ■関連記事 「ルンバ s9+」2月28日に発売、円形をやめてルンバ史上最高の清掃能力"

