Good article! I've been meaning to check some of your posts out and have just been busy so I am going to give you some attention this week! (at least try to) - it's easy to get lost in the steemitverse!
I heard that caolifornia was trying to branch off as its own country. The thought was that they were big enough and could self sustain. Of course, I didn't see this happening, nor do I see it splitting into more than one state. That just sounds rediculous but we can't expect some kind of change to never happen. Although that is a little extreme! I know what you mean by the excessive patriotism and the whole 'MURICA! crowd falls in line. The thing is that we (at least me) just don't hear too much about the patriotism in other countries. It's like they hide it or something, but I know damn well that everyone is "overly patriotic" for their country. Not just their country, but everything. Their car, their work, their lawn, their cooking, etc. Everyone seems to be a legend in their own mind.
I know I am, it was given to me as a "award" in the 6th grade. The thing is, we all get the award. I'm awesome cause I think it. You're awesome cause you think it. Together we be awesome. I'm Venezuelan and I am patriotic for my country of birth but I'm in America. America is my #1. I help Venezuela by upvoting venezuelans, it's the best I can do and thus far it feels great.
I'm pretty sure that france didn't offer the statue of liberty to us first, but that and other things that came to mind fall under the whole conspiracy theory tag and topics that I won't mention here but I've spent countless hours researching it. You can call me a Critical Thinker.
The level of darkness has always been there it's just getting easier to spot it, and boy it's dark. and twisted.
Protesting during the national anthem is a huge leap of departure from the programming - it's still loving your country, but saying hey I don't like what the government is doing. Whether you agree with it or not is immaterial. The fact that people are breaking the programming (of being ruled by guilt) is significant.
Spot on here man. It reminds me of a few movies regarding brainwashing and the main character of the film begins to "break free" and saves everyone from the brainwashing. Much like "The Giver"
Just want you to know I appreciate your comment very much. I don't expect you to - I follow and comment on your stuff purely for your rocks (and sometimes food) ;) hehehe
I agree with you that most people are patriotic for their country. I have been watching this British couple and they have a bit/routine they do where they compare their culture with others and they try to be light or comedic about it but they're a bit too "posh" to pull it off in my opinion. Sometimes it is enlightening and other times they just come across as snobby, which they admit to even.
Admitting it doesn't absolve the snobbiness. All that means is one knows thyself, right? It's funny to me how people think that just by admitting their flaws somehow that makes it "ok." Or I guess the word is "woke" now? I'm a bit behind on my slang. I'm "hibernated."
That's very cool you are from Venezuela. I have read articles in the news about the situation there and I wish I could help too. There's so much corruption everywhere in the world that it's hard to know how to help.
I think something that especially called to me about the Venezuela situation was the difficulty of getting medicine there. It was a long article about a child that had a staph infection from getting a simple scratch on her leg and her family's harrowing experience trying to get medicine and doctors. Their child seriously almost died. And this family was middle income by their standards and had some savings and income but the fact the medicine just wasn't even available was the scary part.
It's like even if you had the money you couldn't get it or had to travel to some city 100 miles away and bribe someone. I just hurt for them. We have a lot of that too here in the U.S. - I occasionally hear some stories, one I remember about a man who couldn't afford the antibiotics for his tooth infection and died from it. Our medical system is effed up, man!
This is so true lol
I didn't know that about the Statue of Liberty, but am not surprised. I definitely could spend time on conspiracy theories but I might just go really nuts because I'm already naturally paranoid.
PS - I know you're busy and I don't expect a comment back no worries!
Well I certainly appreciate the support! Great comment! Yeah the situation down there really stinks. I know the medical wasn't always this bad but I don't think it's every been great. I used get these weird bumps on my skin as a kid and the "procedure" to take them off in Venezuela was to literally cut them off with a razor blade. When we moved to the United States in 1991, the Doctor told our parents to take us swimming in a swimming pool and that the chlorine alone would get rid of them, and they did. This was back in 1991! I still remember going there it was like a nightmare while the doctor basically stabbed me with a razorblade.
I have read articles on how the statue of liberty was given to us that don't point to the conspiracy (totally hides it) but some say that they offered the statue to egypt first and egypt declined taking into account who the statue actually represents and what happened to Pharaoh in the Bible during Exodus. Of course, I can't say if this is 100% true or not.