Keep choosing the light mama.
My lo had a fit this morning. She didn’t want to go to her last day of ballet camp. I made her. I don’t like to force things on them but she made a five-day commitment, and we keep our commitments!
She was surprised I “strongly encouraged” her as I’m so lenient I didn’t even force school on her. I’ll be picking her up in some hours.
Yes, commitments are very important to keep! I hope she comes back with a good report and full of stories to tell!
Sometimes we just have to stick to our momma guns and push them in the right direction. I didn't force school yesterday, but today he surprised me by catching up on all of it.. before asking to go outside. That made my heart swell a tad lol.
What a little sweetheart you have. He caught up. <3
Mine has been telling everyone that she graduated ballet camp. Silly kid.