Thanks a lot for this interesting writeup on time i am very happy to read your write up, for this really mean a lot to me
Moral of the story, time is never slowing down and sadly year on year it will appear to move faster, so never put off today what you can do tomorrow as tomorrow is a smaller percentage of your life and will slip through your fingers faster than the day before
I am glad my ramblings meant something to you. I am always wishing for more time or for it to slow down at least now I know why it feels as though it never does. :/
It never slow down because the more every living being grows the faster it become. More so, time can be liken to money, a scarce commodity whose value reduces with age. I could remember when i was in primary school, all i do request for as my pocket money used to be 50 naira ( which has a lot of value to me then) but the older i become the more it value decreases. Therefore, the older every man become, the shorter the time becomes.
You are welcome.