Captain: "Spin up the hamsters."
Mate: "Aye aye, Captain." Turning to the crew "SPIN UP HAMSTERS!"
Crew: "Spinning up hamsters!"
Mate: "We're ready, sir"
Captain: "Very good. Launch EOS"
There you go. EOS is now live.
I remember hearing about that 15% thing and I think it's just that they're ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain that need to be claimed by the owners so the EOS tokens can be put in the right EOS wallets when it goes live. You would think they could just snapshot it and then give the people their tokens at a later date, but I guess not.
I don't understand the other waiting period, but that's ok. I don't have any so it won't affect me.
I mean, statistically, there's way too many divorces for that not to be somewhere in the mix. Along with too much money spent on boa and marmot taxidermy.
I guess it's possible that some people got divorced so one could go back to school. Seems like a weak reason though, like the person was just looking for a way out. And, um, boa taxidermy? I feel like you're referencing a tv show or something as I haven't heard of many people getting divorced for that reason.
I wouldn't be surprised if "AGAIN" were an election slogan within the next 10 years.
As far as I know, boa taxidermy for a divorce reason is original to me, and most likely has never been used. However, you never know. Over 1.75 million people get divorced every year, and it would be totally boring if all of them were doing it because of infidelity, boredom or non-specific disagreements with finances. I say boa and marmot taxidermy are among them. :)
Part of the launch did include a snapshot, but that came first, as the individual blockheads (can't remember what they're calling witnesses) start up their nodes. Then the 15% deal is supposed to take place to unlock the blockchain, and then they wait, unless they want to use ONO, although maybe there are other apps? Just haven't heard of them, but maybe they do exist already.
That's true, we do need more interesting reasons. I'm not personally going to come up with them as I still love my wife and plan on keeping it that way. I guess theoretically someone could have an addiction to taxidermied boas and marmots. I don't know that I have a special need to meet that person.
"Blockheads" that's great. I don't know what they're called, but I don't really care at this point. All I know is that I don't have a node set up and as such will not be collecting the large sums of money that they'll be raking in. Good for them though!
Haven't heard of any of the EOS apps. I heard they have them, but don't know what they are. I have enough trouble keeping up with Steemit.