aboriginalbook rebloggedsacofitcocomp (25)in #game • 6 years agoInteresting Games For SmartphonesThe smartphone is still a universal device when there is free time. Even if the connection to the Internet is impossible, there are plenty of options for how to spend your free…aboriginalbook rebloggedtrouvwabeavit (16)in #ico • 6 years agoBEST ICO IN 2018This year has become one of the most significant for investors in the field of cryptocurrency. The demand for ICO is increasing every year more and more. Over the past year, the…aboriginalbook rebloggedrilityfonid (16)in #technology • 6 years agoTop Startups 2018Although the year 2018 is not over yet, it is already possible to see several projects that have aroused keen interest near themselves during this period. Now a startup is a…aboriginalbook rebloggednatalyaborqo (66)in #esteem • 6 years agoDon’t Forget Seasonal, Healthy Treats For Your ChickensWhen you are raising a flock of chickens, it is important to give them a well-balanced diet. This includes chicken feed, plenty of water, and healthy snacks. Chickens like to…aboriginalbook rebloggedviper777 (43)in #news • 6 years agoRiddle of 30 thousand bitcoinsRiddle of 30 thousand bitcoins: the early successor of the crypto currency secretly sold all of its coins. Over the past two years, one of the early bitcoin miners, whose name…aboriginalbook rebloggedverticalcab (39)in #news • 6 years agoIlon Mask was fired at the SEC's request. Tesla fined $ 20 million. Let's discuss this, Steemit!!!Tesla's CEO Ilon Mask will step down as the head of the board of the manufacturer of electricvehicles and pay a $ 20 million fine at the request of the US Securities and Exchange…aboriginalbook rebloggedtextreme (44)in #spanish • 6 years agoReasons to visit Colombia/razones para visitar colombiaI am going to name today or to communicate some reasons to visit Colombia in the epoch on a vacation: The first: Colombia is a country with a great biodiversidad in flora…aboriginalbook rebloggedcrypt0lizard (71)in #appics • 6 years agoPlaça de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. What do you think about this plaza? 🙌🏼 ...... . Que creen sobre esta plaza? 😊 Powered by APPICS - visit us at appics.comaboriginalbook rebloggedkennyn (65)in #improving • 6 years agoImproving forgetfulness in depressed patientsThere are many causes of memory impairment, in which, the common cause is depression. Depression is very common in the age group 45-65, especially in women, the rate up to 25-50%…aboriginalbook rebloggedmoeenali (78)in #dmania • 7 years agoMention That FriendView post on dManiaaboriginalbook rebloggeddancingdragon (63)in #dlive • 7 years agoDiablo 3 Vanillaleveling My live stream is at DLiveaboriginalbook rebloggedjoeypark (72)in #kr-event • 7 years ago[kr-event] 블록체인 최신 동향 관련 무료 컨퍼런스 가즈아! / 리스팀하고 댓글 남기면 $0.2 보팅?안녕하세요? Joey Park입니다. 오늘은 최신 블록체인 동향 무료 컨퍼런스 행사를 소개하려고 합니다. ADKRYPTO에서 주최하는 '이 달의 블록체인' 행사는 매달 진행해왔습니다. 최신 블록체인 동향과 최근 떠오르고 있는 블록체인 프로젝트 팀을 소개하고 지식과 정보를 공유하는…aboriginalbook rebloggedsparl1 (63)in #previous • 7 years agoBai, nire aita "aita" gisa deitzen diot, eta amaren ama, eremu bat baldin bada, bai fedearen eremua naizEremura aurreratu naiz, nire aita arrebaren aita "aita" deitzea, "aita" deitzea nahi dut, hitzaren betetasuna aurkitu dezaket, nire hiru ahizpek eta nire aita "aita" deitzen…aboriginalbook rebloggedamart29 (71)in #spanish • 7 years ago2300, Cronología (parte 2/2)Fuente 2300, Cronología (parte 2/2). Ether, los antiguos griegos dieron ese nombre a uno de los cinco elementos que dan forma a todo lo que existe y a la vez era la…aboriginalbook rebloggedvoltash (60)in #ru • 7 years agoSteak guide: the most popular cuts.The taste of the steak is formed long before you put it in the pan. In General, the rule is that the less muscle is involved in the work, the more tender the meat will be.…aboriginalbook rebloggedeasyman (50)in #photography • 7 years agoIncredible Sunset PhotographyHello Steemians! How are you all guys? As you know I am a Photography lover. At this time I am exploring my country. Today I have taken a incredible Sunset photo with my…aboriginalbook rebloggednachomolina (72)in #cryptocurrencies • 7 years agoDO YOU KNOW NOIA NETWORK? SUBSCRIBE THE NOIA TESTNET AND PARTICIPATE WITH THE AVAILABLE SPACE OF YOUR CPUSometimes we need a categorical answer to the problems that arise in our day to day with the use of the internet. How to become indifferent to the delays generated in our…aboriginalbook rebloggedsohaibomer (61)in #happiness • 7 years agoLoving Happy BirthdayWe hope all birthday wishes and dreams come true soon as today it is. A wish for you on your birthday, whatever you are where bless you more and more. Today i Post for my baby…aboriginalbook rebloggedheider17 (41)in #ulog • 7 years ago#ULOG 17 : The fire in a house in Makassar, mother and her two children were burned downImg source : abovethelaw.com Two shop houses on Bulukunyi street, District of Makassar, burned down early this morning. Mother and her two children were killed in the…aboriginalbook rebloggedmoelout (50)in #steemit • 7 years agoလူငယ္ႏွင့္ စည္ကမ္း ၁အမ်ဳိးသား စည္းကမ္းအစ စာသင္ေက်ာင္းက ဟူေသာ ဤေဆာင္ပုဒ္ကေလးသည္ေက်ာင္းသားႏွင့္ စည္းကမ္းဒြန္တဲြေနေျကာင္းေဖာ္ျပေနပါသည္။ ေက်ာင္းသားတိုင္း စည္းကမ္းက်နသူျဖစ္ရန္ လိုအပ္ပါသည္။ ယေန့လူငယ္သည္…