adit4 (31)in #travel • 7 years agoThe souks, the markets, the cafe's, the food. This city has it all.The souks, the markets, the cafe's, the food. This city has it all. You could spend hours and hours exploring the maze of alleyways of Fes and not stumble across the same…adit4 (31)in #estimate • 7 years agoIs Aceh better after a devastating tsunamiTukar ke IndonesiaReconstruction and rehabilitation projects worth US $ 6.7 billion were able to transform Aceh within five years so that the remainder of the devastation caused…adit4 (31)in #estimate • 7 years agoJangan pernah menganggap diri kita selalu di atasHave you ever heard the term that the Earth is spinning and we don't always know when we are above or below? Maybe that's the story that happened in then. A Facebook user from…adit4 (31)in #estimate • 7 years agoHow are you friends with SteemitPolice test urine at North Aceh police stationadit4 (31)in #esteem • 7 years agoFailure is a life processThe more I live my life with the many life lessons that exist, I have many lessons about failure. I always think failure is a very bad thing. Failure is a thing I fear so much.…adit4 (31)in #estimate • 7 years agoSemalat kan lah saudaraku di sana ya allahPlease pray for our brothers thereadit4 (31)in #estimate • 7 years agoSelamat atas keberhasilan dan perjuanganCongratulations on your success and struggleadit4 (31)in #aceh • 7 years agoKasih sayang salah satu sebab amal hamba maqbulSelamat malam rekan steemian di manapun berada. Tadi adalah hari jum'at dimana kaum pria muslim diwajibkan melaksanakan salah fardhu Jum'at di mesjid. Usai melaksanakan shalat…adit4 (31)in #esteem • 7 years agoTrue friend'sA true friend is someone who knows you inside out, knows the worst side, and the best side of you. You can not choose it, because friendships are naturally formed, and without…adit4 (31)in #esteem • 7 years agoIt was a waste of sinsIt is not easy to be a young child today. Thinking too advanced thought smart pretentious, thought potentially thought never to learn, and do not think mistakenly spent only…adit4 (31)in #estimate • 7 years agoSalam kopassussemoga bermanfaat untuk orang yang kita sayangi dan mohon do'a kepada semua sodara2 se agama se tanah air... Salam rakyat indonesiaadit4 rebloggedaldialbest (46)in #tutorial • 7 years agoAyo!!! daftar segera Aplikasi Byteball bagi-bagi koin gratis hingga $10 sampai $160.Assalamu'alaikum, salam sejahtera. Selamat siang teman-teman sekalian apa kabar? Semoga dalam keadaan sehat selalu. Kali ini saya ingin berbagi sedikit informasi mengenai…adit4 rebloggedaldialbest (46)in #esteem • 7 years agoPesona indah Waduk Jeulikat wisata Syariah kota LhokseumaweAssalamualaikum. Selamat sore, puhaba Rakan Stemians mamandum mudah-mudahan dalam keadaan mudah raseki dan tetap bersyukur ya... Kali ini saya ingin berbagi perjalanan…adit4 rebloggedaldialbest (46)in #story • 7 years agoHari gelap, guyuran derasnya hujan suatu malamSelamat malam good people Partiko. Mudah-mudah malam ini gak kedinginan ya, oiya perkembangan cuaca di wilayah kami masih di landa hujan. Malam ini mengingatkan pada masa…adit4 (31)in #estimate • 7 years agoSelamat kepada yang menemukanbagi kepada penemu silahkan di tukar di BNN PROVINSI ACEH. WASSALAM.adit4 (31)in #estimate • 7 years agoRakan acehSelamat malam rakan''aceh.. Salam acehadit4 (31)in #estimate • 7 years agoDaerah acehdaerah aceh lonadit4 (31)in #estimate • 7 years agoSelamat datangsalam aspaladit4 (31)in #esteem • 7 years agoSelamat dirgahayu brigifselamat malam Perkenal nama saya adit hari ini adalah hari dirgahayu brigif di Indonesia semoga jaya, saya penguna baru di steemit mohon arahan dari teman2. Salam. Upvoteadit4 (31)in #tanyoe • 7 years agoTengeh duduk ngen