agente rebloggedgianluccio (64)in #story • 7 years agoTestamenti: un elogio a Fabrizio De Andrè [ITA]Image Source L'anziano signore giaceva stanco, sprofondato nella sua poltrona preferita. Il piccolo monolocale nel quale abitava era confortevole e pieno di foto sulle…agente (43)in #video • 7 years agoCRAZY DRIVING - F1 2017 USA GP FERRARI - 4k MAX settings 2016p 60fpsJust to know how to drive in next USA GP :)agente (43)in #video • 7 years agoF1 2017 GP SINGAPORE (RAIN!) FERRARI GAMEPLAY - GTX 1080ti 4K @ 2160p (60fps)Directly from my 4k Youtube channel! Enjoy my lap in Singapore with Ferrari!agente rebloggedrea (75)in #cn • 7 years agoSpreading the Word of Steemit at Oxford University / 牛津大学的Steemit宣传活动As many of you are probably aware, the #promo-uk team has been working tirelessly for the past few months, whether it be making Steemit T-shirts, mugs, caps or professional…agente (43)in #video • 7 years agoF1 2017 MONACO GP! FERRARI GAMEPLAY - GTX 1080ti 4K @ 2160p (60fps)agente (43)in #it-steem • 7 years agoCalorie PeraValori nutrizionali e Calorie di una Pera Pere Quantità per 100 grammi Calorie 57 Grassi 0,1 g Acidi grassi saturi 0 g Acidi grassi polinsaturi 0,1 g Acidi grassi…agente (43)in #steem • 9 years agoSTEEMIT Need To Be Heavily Advertised On Facebook!Facebook advertising work very well and I worked on it for years but I believe in STEEMIT revolution and I want to REDIRECT all the GAINS of this post (less transactions fee of…agente (43)in #life • 9 years agoRemember China’s Elevated Bus That Drives Over Traffic? Well, They’ve Actually Built ItChina’s Transit Elevated Bus (TEB) was nothing but a model back in May And this is what it looks like just three months later! VIDEOagente (43)in #steem • 9 years agoItalian Steemit LogoFeel free to useagente (43)in #steem • 9 years agoSTEEMIT - HOWTO - COME FARE / Domande e Risposte in italianoHai qualche domanda su #steemit ma non conosci bene l'inglese? Posta tra i commenti la tua domanda e riceverai risposte dalla community italiana! Dal mining al sistema di…agente (43)in #photography • 9 years agoTwo Artist Moms Are Turning Children’s Doodles Into Unique Silver JewelleryI’m an artist working with children for more than 5 years on creativity & art. I think that art is the primal building stone of the children’s creativity so I emphasise the…agente (43)in #video • 9 years agoVIDEO: One Of The Most Graphic Leg Break EverHere ->agente (43)in #animals • 9 years agoPhotographer Captures The Soul Of The Forest With His Unbelievably Intimate Animal Shots21-year-old Finish photographer Konsta Punkka takes breathtaking pictures of nature and lifestyle. We’ve written about him previously, but just can’t seem to get enough of…agente (43)in #photography • 9 years agoKaleidoscopic Street Art By Douglas HoekzemaMiami-based artist Douglas Hoekzema , also known as Hoxxoh , creates incredibly beautiful kaleidoscopic murals. By layering different colored continuous rings, he can turn…agente (43)in #animals • 9 years agoAdorably Cute Matchie Matchie AnimalsYou would need to look twice to confirm if they are or not brothers or sisters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 from ->agente (43)in #steem • 9 years agoSTEEM Cryptocurrency Volume Rankings (7d) - Positions Gained Day After DayWe believe in #steemagente (43)in #steem • 9 years agoSteemIt's Ned and Dan Interview!@Ned and @Dan Interview by #Blocktalk @ned @danagente (43)in #animals • 9 years agoWhy?Cat's vertical "elevator" stretch Steemit discussion :-) Up! Up!agente (43)in #news • 9 years agoAnonymous New Tactic To Fight And Bring Down Global Political System“We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.” And expect them we shall since they will be launching their own political party. Their…agente (43)in #photography • 9 years agoHilarious Baby Photoshoot Fails That Most Parents Can Relate ToMost babies in these photos are like, “Why mama? Whyyy??!” #babies #photography #funny #funnyphotos