ajaxtiwo rebloggedpumpkinnetwork (28)in #airdrop • 7 years agoPumpkin Airdrop Announcement - Spread with PumpkinWelcome to the Pumpkin Airdrop! Fair token distribution and user engagement are both taken very seriously at Pumpkin so launching an Airdrop event brings us the best of both…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist的 多代币区块链浏览器多代币区块链浏览器是 Cryptassist生态体系中的一部分,它有助于让人民在日常生活中让更易于使用加密技术。由于市场上存在着多种不同的代币和凭证,使得投资者可以选择各种各样不同的投资组合,同时,他们也需要使用多个浏览器去搜索他们投资的这些代币和凭证的交易数据和投资情况,这会极大地占用他们宝贵的时间。 Cryptassist解决了这些问题…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years ago区块链北京见面会 ——投资者会议2018年7月25日 Cryptassist首席执行官Henri Oostebring在公关经理Samantha Haeberli和中国社区运营经理Tonjia女士的陪同下于 7月24日出席了在北京举行的区块链中国见面会。参与会议的成员为来自中国20家最大的投资公司和代币基金公司的投资者。…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Corporate Social ResponsibilityAn important element of the Cryptassist philosophy is to donate back to the environment. To demonstrate Cryptassist’s commitment to the environment as a responsible corporate…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoDon’t miss your chance to join the Cryptassist Revolution. Join the ICO now!• Max coin supply is 88 Million coins • ICO runs 31/07/2018 – 12/09/2018 or until hardcap is reached, whichever is earlier • Coins cost: $0.38 USD • 2% of your…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Website IntegrationsTo assist Cryptassist users with gathering the latest information on market capitalization rankings, mining profitability and exchanges, all on one easy to use platform…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist - Win a Tesla RoadsterAs a thank you to buyers during the Cryptassist ICO, for every purchase of $250 US a ticket will be given for the chance to win an amazing Tesla Roadster. The more CTA you buy…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist - выиграй машину Тесла родстер.За каждую покупку в 250 USD во время ICO всем покупателям Cryptassist в качестве благодарности будет предоставлен билет и возможность выиграть Tesla родстер. Чем больше CTA вы…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST OTC – SELL YOUR CRYPTO OVER THE COUNTERThe over-the-counter (OTC) cryptocurrency market sees hundreds of millions of dollars worth of coins moved on a daily basis. The popularity of this method of selling and buying…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Community ForumOne of the biggest problems in the crypto world is that there are many resources for sourcing information, but very few that encourage user interaction and input. The…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST - Интеграция веб-сайтовЧтобы помочь пользователям Cryptassist собирать самую последнюю информацию о рейтингах рыночной капитализации и рентабельности, Cryptassist будет интегрировать три ведущих…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Freelancer – Hire Your Talent – Pay With CryptoCryptassist will offer as an integral part of its ecosystem, a freelance talent service feature, linking businesses or individuals with each other to engage or work as freelance…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Trading SolutionThe Cryptassist Trading Solution application is a revolutionary cryptocurrency trading tool that will arm the everyday trader with the same data that multinational corporations…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist CryptopediaAnother essential feature that Cryptassist will offer users is a database linking available websites, forums and blogs, covering every aspect that is related to cryptocurrency.…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoDIE „CRYPTASSIST“ PHILOSOPHIECryptassist wurde auf der Idee gegründet, dass Kryptowährung allen zugänglich sein sollte, nicht nur Kryptoexperten. Mit langjähriger kollektiver Erfahrung präsentiert das…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoWhy Did Cryptassist Choose A Dag Based Algorithm?It is believed by many in the cryptosphere that DAG will become the next generation Blockchain. Blockchain 3.0. In order to stay at the forefront of crypto technology…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST CRYPTOGO – HAVE FUN – WIN CRYPTO!Who hasn’t heard of or played the augmented reality game Pokemon GO* that stormed the world in recent years? And what did you win besides some virtual creatures? – Nothing! All…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoThe Cryptassist Core ValuesThe Cryptassist philosophy is to make crypto simple and useful in everyday life. In order to provide users with an exceptional experience, Cryptassist has also implemented some…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST CHATPAY – SOCIAL MESSAGING AND ONLINE PAYMENT APPCryptassist ChatPay is more than just a messenger. Free to download, ChatPay allows for free encrypted messaging and for payments without intermediaries, using peer-to-peer…ajaxtiwo rebloggedcryptassist (44)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoTHE CRYPTASSIST PHILOSOPHYCryptassist was founded on the idea that cryptocurrency should be accessible to everyone, not just crypto experts. With many years of collective experience the Cryptassist team…