Tannenzäpfle, German food and good old memory / 黒い森のTannenzäpfle

in BEER9 months ago

I'm joining @detlev's weekly Beer Saturday challenge!

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 363

I finally got a beer glass! While strolling through a department store in town, I found this from a popular glass brand on sale. It's bigger than I initially wanted, but it's hard to find smaller beer glasses of this shape in Germany. Plus, I can handle 500ml lately, and with Beer Saturday happening, it was an easy decision.

This week, my beer is Rothaus' Tannenzäpfle. The name might be a bit tricky to pronounce, and it’s a classic beer-ish beer, but the name actually means "little pine cone," which is quite cute. I also bought a lemon beer for my partner and some corn snacks for my daughter.

Tannenzäpfle comes from the Black Forest region in southwestern Germany, where my partner’s family is from. His dad often drinks it when we visit.

While living in the Black Forest, I discovered a brand called Schwarzwaldgold that made jewelry from the golden foil on top of these beer bottles. They’re currently on a break according to the Etsy page, but I hope they're doing well. I gave the clean foil from my beer to my daughter.

Schwarzwaldgold - Etsy

For dinner, I paired the beer with a classic German dish in this season: white asparagus, potatoes and Schnitzel. I found some nice slim asparagus, perfect for this meal.

As usual, I couldn’t wait and had to have a sip while cooking ...

Tannenzäpfle's ingredients are just "water, malt, hops"—simple and straightforward. It has a nice bitterness but is still refreshing, making it my kind of beer.

The beer glasses came in a set of two, so we also poured the lemon beer. It fits perfectly with its 500ml capacity, and my partner seems pleased with it. Thank you to Beer Saturday to push me to buy the glasses.

German beer really pairs well with German cuisine. I finished my beer in the middle of the dinner, so I tried some of the lemon beer—it was quite sweet for my taste 😅

By the way, this week, I visited a Japanese restaurant in the city with some Japanese friends and had Japanese beer after a while. I found this type of beer glass is also nice too.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Side Story

I actually visited the Rothaus brewery about 10 years ago. I found some old photos from the trip—it was part of a startup retreat. Such good memories.

With Beer Saturday in mind, I felt like visiting breweries. But I always want to drink the beer after the tour, and they’re often far away, requiring a car. I wish my partner started driving ... !

🍺 🍺 🍺

@detlev さんが毎週開催されているBeer Saturdayに参加します。

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 363


今週の私のビールはRothausのTannenzäpfle(タンネンツェプフレ)です。舌を噛みそうな名前で、おっさんビールなのですが、名前の意味は「小さな松ぼっくり」ととてもかわいいのです。でもラベルの絵、ちょっとカイジっぽいですよね w それはさておき、相方にはレモネードビール、子供にはとんがりコーンもどきを買ってきました。



Schwarzwaldgold - Etsy







来週は暑くなるようで、ますますビールが楽しみです🌞🍻 みなさん良い週末を!





Thank you @mysteriousroad & @ecency team! I appreciate your upvote a lot 😊

I really like a good radler

I like it too in this season. But as you wrote, "good" is important. For me it means not to sweet one 🍋 Maybe I try to make it by myself with lemon.


なぞですよね 😁 ビアグラス、重いです&ドイツサイズです!ビール飲んで筋トレ・・・💪