PostsCommentsPayoutsalisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-585986 • 3 years agoMILK DESTROYS BONES AND CAUSES OSTEOPOROSIS Since childhood, we have heard from all sides MILK DESTROYS BONES AND CAUSES OSTEOPOROSIS Since childhood, we have heard from all sides that you need to drink milk so that bones and teeth become strong. Dairy products are rich in calcium, so the dairy industry is happy to support the advocacy that is leading to increased consumption of their calcium-rich products. But something is missing in this bundle - after all, in countries where people consume the most cow's milk and dairy products, the statistics for bone diseases and fractures are the worst! Americans consume dairy products more than any other nation. So the bones of the Americans would have to be remarkably strong, right? Unfortunately, it is not. Recently collected statistics showed that American women aged 50 and over lead among their peers from almost all other countries in such an injury as a hip fracture (statistics for this injury are higher only in some European countries, as well as in Australia and New Zealand, where drink even more milk than in the US). In 1992, scientists from the Yale University School of Medicine published a report that combined data on protein intake with bone injury statistics from 34 different statistical studies conducted in 16 countries. An impressive figure was deduced - 70% of cases of fractures and cracks were correlated with the use of animal protein. These studies explained that animal protein, unlike plant protein, strongly “acidifies” the body. This means that the blood and tissues of our body become more acidic. The body does not like this acidity, and it tries to resist. In order to neutralize acid, the body uses calcium - this is the most effective mechanism. But this calcium has to come from somewhere. And the body has to take calcium from its own bones. Loss of calcium, as a result, weakens the bones, increasing the risk of cracks and fractures. In 2004, the book "China Study" was published, which made a lot of noise around milk. In it, Dr. Colin Campbell, professor of food biochemistry at Cornell University who grew up on a dairy farm, claims that milk consumption can lead to type 1 diabetes, prostate cancer, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, and other autoimmune diseases. alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-585895 • 3 years agoLACTOSE INTOLERANCE Lactose is the main carbohydrate found in dairy products and often cauLACTOSE INTOLERANCE Lactose is the main carbohydrate found in dairy products and often causes digestive problems. Lactose intolerance is due to the fact that the body does not produce enough lactase enzyme, which breaks down lactose. As a result, lactose stays in the intestine longer, which causes it to ferment by bacteria and accumulate gases. This is accompanied by symptoms such as flatulence, bloating, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Rumbling in the abdomen and its distension, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headaches, skin itching, Quincke's edema - all these symptoms of lactose intolerance occur an hour after taking whole milk or dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, ice cream). Most often, the ability to absorb milk (lactose) disappears at the age of 5-7 years. That is, milk is the food of young children. In the wild, the consumption of milk by adults is not provided. Moreover, animals do not drink the milk of another animal species!  alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-585555 • 3 years ago Happiness is awareness, understanding that I am now, I exist. This is enough for happines Happiness is awareness, understanding that I am now, I exist. This is enough for happiness. Happiness is always here and always now, without any conditions. It does not happen after some action, acquisition or event. Happiness is awareness of yourself and the present moment. This understanding exists outside of thoughts and outside of man. Happiness becomes possible through kindness and a virtuous life, love for people and creating good for them. And a happy grateful life allows you to be in the present moment, enjoy it, and leads to enlightenment. For enlightenment, the only thing that matters is how we enjoy this moment!  alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-585198 • 3 years agoDOLMENS ABOUT SALT People look bad and much older because of the salt. Salt is a drug, it DOLMENS ABOUT SALT People look bad and much older because of the salt. Salt is a drug, it is a poison. It was specially extracted by the priests and those people who wanted to enslave humanity. And they always wanted to enslave humanity. Because there are no analogues of the Earth in the Universe. This is the creation of God, which no one can repeat. Therefore, as far as people themselves feel strong, so humanity will flourish. Now we see one of the periods of the decline of mankind, which periodically occur. We are now at the bottom of the development of a certain branch of the development of human civilization. About a thousand years ago, salt began to spread around the world as a drug. That is, it is a substance that causes chemical dependence at the level of biochemical reactions. It interacts with other trace elements of our body, and causes dependence on the level of exchange of salts and microelements. Thus, it enslaves the will of a person, turning him into a weak-willed animal. For a thousand years, humanity has lost its will very much due to the use of salt. Salt also dehydrates the body and dehydrates the cell. Because where there is more salt, there is an outflow of liquid. Since salt circulates in the intercellular space, there is an outflow of liquid from the cell. Due to this, the cell dies faster. Due to this, humanity began to age 30-50% faster. If you remove salt from your diet, directly this substance with sodium chloride, then life expectancy will increase by 30-40-50 years. Also, salt is a flavor enhancer, entering into a chemical reaction in our body. If you remove salt, then food intake will decrease by 10 times!     alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-585071 • 3 years agoWonderful morning All living organisms on the planet live according to the laws of nature,Wonderful morning All living organisms on the planet live according to the laws of nature, and man is no exception. Ideally, you need to wake up at sunrise, but for this you need to go to bed at 21:00. By following the rules of nature, we get physical and emotional nourishment in return. Unfortunately, the rhythm of our life, the number of worries do not allow us to go to bed at 9 pm. The human body is a complex system that functions during the hours of wakefulness and sleep. The endocrine system produces the hormone melatonin from 10 pm to 2 am, and it is synthesized only during sleep. This hormone is responsible for youth, cell renewal and division, good mood, it neutralizes free radicals, activates the immune system, strengthens the walls of the vessels of the body and the vessels of the brain. In the same period of time, the hormone somatotropin is produced. It is responsible for growth, slim figure, overall health and longevity of the body. Scientists from the Sleep Institute conducted many experiments, during which they came to an amazing fact: the earlier a person wakes up, the more energetic he feels. Getting up early encourages us to go to bed early. Science has proven that every hour of sleep from 21.00 to 00.00 is equal to three full hours of rest. And this means that in a shorter period you will rest and restore your strength better than if you fell asleep at 1:00 and woke up at 12:00 in the afternoon. The correct mode reduces the time needed for the body to rest. Instead of 10-12 hours you will sleep 6-7. Almost all participants in the Forbes list get up at 4-5 am in the morning. They note that it was early rises that helped them become successful, feel cheerful and full of energy, and this helps to conquer steep peaks in business. Notable early risers include Apple general manager Tim Cook and Disney general manager (wake up at 4:30 am). Starbucks general manager Howard Schultz wakes up every day at 5:00 am. And one of the founders of Avon, Andrea Jung, sets the alarm for 4:00 in the morning. Maybe we should also reconsider our habits and try to live in a new way?  alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-584902 • 3 years ago Research suggests that gluten can harm the metabolism even of people who are not allergic Research suggests that gluten can harm the metabolism even of people who are not allergic to the substance. It slows down the metabolism, causes skin problems, disrupts the intestinal microflora and immunity. It affects the metabolic processes of oxygen and increases the level of micro-inflammation. Gluten is a sticky protein with a fairly low absorption rate. In other words, it is not needed by the body and is not an important part of the diet. The benefits of gluten are expressed solely in the fact that it allows the process of baking bread. Due to its special structure, gluten can retain carbon dioxide - which, in combination with yeast, provides dough rise. However, it is this ability that harms the body. First of all, the destructive reaction starts in the intestines - which provokes other health problems. Leaky gut syndrome, caused by gluten intolerance, reduces the absorption of vitamins and minerals and leads to skin problems. In turn, the problem with the absorption of nutrients can negatively affect the entire body. The first symptoms of gluten intolerance are swelling, skin rashes (in more rare cases, acne). Digestive problems develop gradually. In case of infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, bad breath appears. In addition, gluten can affect a number of hormones produced in visceral fat. In particular, we are talking about the hunger hormone leptin. Recall that obesity is often associated with leptin resistance - the inability of the body to properly send satiety signals. Separately, it should be mentioned that foods containing wheat gluten have a high glycemic index. We are talking about white bread, various pastries, waffles and other sweets. These foods cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels and disrupt the normal production of the hormone insulin, provoking the development of diabetes.  alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-584701 • 3 years agoThe Wim Hof Method, which he developed and perfected for almost forty years, is based onThe Wim Hof Method, which he developed and perfected for almost forty years, is based on three simple natural pillars - exposure to cold, conscious breathing and the power of the mind. He used the Method to accomplish what many thought was impossible, setting more than two dozen Guinness World Records and baffling medical scientists. Wim Hof ran a half marathon in the Arctic Circle barefoot, wearing only shorts, and a full marathon through the African Namib Desert, during which he did not drink a drop of water. He swam more than 60 meters under a thick layer of ice and stood in the ice crumbs for several hours in a row without lowering his internal body temperature and climbed the highest mountains in the world, dressed only in shorts    alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-584699 • 3 years ago Mountains, reflecting an archetype in any culture, can teach us a lot in meditation. Moun Mountains, reflecting an archetype in any culture, can teach us a lot in meditation. Mountains are sacred places. In the mountains, surrounded by mountains, a person sought to find spiritual guidance and renewal. The mountain is a symbol of the axis of the world, the abode of the Gods. Mountains are the most accurate symbol of unchanging presence and peace. Any pose is allowed. You can sit cross-legged on the floor so that your whole body looks and feels like a mountain. Being at this time in the mountains or near the mountains is useful, but not at all necessary, because the source of strength here is the inner image. And now your head - the majestic peak, shoulders and arms - mountain slopes, hips and legs - the reliable foundation of the mountain - grow into the floor, pillow or chair. You become a breathing mountain, quiescent and still. By holding this image in mind, we gain the ability to become the embodiment of unshakable peace and reliability in the face of the changes that occur in our lives every second, every hour, year after year. Like a mountain during meditation, we gain access to its strength and stability and assimilate these qualities. The power of the mountain will strengthen our desire to meet every moment of our lives consciously, balanced and understanding, it will help us to see that our thoughts and feelings, daily worries, emotional outbursts and breakdowns, like everything that happens to us, are akin only to the weather in the mountains. We learn to hear the inner harmony of the world and, under any circumstances, remain in the center of the cyclone.  alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-584569 • 3 years ago#loungefood My tasty, healthy and beautiful lunch! The Lounge Weekend Photo Contest - Let'#loungefood My tasty, healthy and beautiful lunch! The Lounge Weekend Photo Contest - Let's Eat!  alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-584564 • 3 years agoMy tasty, healthy and beautiful lunch! The Lounge Weekend Photo Contest - Let's Eat! #lounMy tasty, healthy and beautiful lunch! The Lounge Weekend Photo Contest - Let's Eat! #loungefood  alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-584537 • 3 years ago Deep breathing disrupts the metabolism in cells, creates oxygen starvation, leads to the Deep breathing disrupts the metabolism in cells, creates oxygen starvation, leads to the removal of useful salts (potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.) from the body to compensate for the shift in the internal environment and perverts immune responses. This leads to the accumulation of under-oxidized products and substances in the body, which, in contact with external protein allergens, give allergic reactions, worsen the activity of the kidneys, liver, intestines and other organs. Therefore, a huge amount of so-called slag accumulates in the body: under-oxidized products, unnecessary salts, drugs, toxins, focal infection, excess cholesterol in the blood and its deposits with other substances in the vessels. Now it is clear why the percentage of centenarians is higher in the mountains, an indisputable fact - there is less oxygen. If you raise the sick to the mountains, it turns out that they feel better there. You need to try to breathe shallowly all the time (so that breathing is neither noticeable nor audible) and rarely, trying to stretch the automatic pauses as much as possible after each exhalation. Optimal implementation of this program will bring health and longevity to a person. Neglect of it, violation of the laws of nature leads to illness and premature death.    alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-584480 • 3 years agoDr. K. P. Buteyko proved that deep breathing and wrong way of life are the causes of most Dr. K. P. Buteyko proved that deep breathing and wrong way of life are the causes of most diseases. He managed to discover the basic law of death: the deeper the breath, the stronger the disease and the closer death. And vice versa, the smaller the depth of breathing, the healthier, more resilient and durable the body. The detrimental effect of deep breathing on the body through the CO2 deficiency it creates has been proven by numerous experiments, starting with the work of the famous physiologist Gekderson, carried out in 1909. Henderson connected the animals to an apparatus that deepened their breathing, and they died. The traditional principles of disease analysis led to the fact that various symptoms of deep breathing disease (bronchospasms, spasms of the heart vessels, an increase in blood pressure or a decrease in it, fainting with convulsions) began to be called separate diseases: bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, hypertension, epilepsy ... All of them lead to complications: sclerosis of the lungs and blood vessels, myocardial infarction, stroke - which are the main factors of premature old age, decrepitude, disability and mortality. The essence of the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing is the gradual decrease in the depth of breathing. This can be achieved by a volitional (conscious, but not violent) gradual decrease in external breathing to normal by relaxing the muscles involved in breathing (diaphragm). Before training, measure and record: heart rate and control pause (CP). To measure the control pause, after a natural exhalation, slightly pinch your nose and record the time. At the first discomfort caused by lack of air, you should unclench your fingers and fix the time again. The pause is measured correctly if a deep breath does not appear after it. By the size of the control pause, you can determine how much your usual, normal breathing is more than normal. The norm is 60 seconds. For example, CP = 15 sec. 60:15 = 4. This means that with each breath you absorb air 4 times more than normal. As breathing is practiced, the control pause will gradually increase, the pulse will decrease. Your well-being will get better, and the energy will grow steadily. The breathing method of Tibetan monks will also help in this. You need to imagine a light feather in front of your nose. Breathing should be so quiet and shallow that the feather does not move!  alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-584122 • 3 years ago#Be Real #Somee Originals❤️ Hello everyone!😊 At your request in the telegram chat, I publ#Be Real #Somee Originals❤️ Hello everyone!😊 At your request in the telegram chat, I publish myself with a sign. Have a great summer and sunny mood!☀️  alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-583611 • 3 years agoIt's funny to think, but for a modern person, a store is a source of energy! Meanwhile, maIt's funny to think, but for a modern person, a store is a source of energy! Meanwhile, many of us consider ourselves free people!!! Not realizing that it is worth closing the store, how all their reasoning about freedom will end in a frantic search for food. And here there is no time for demonstrations, pickets and philosophical rantings. Rough food is the same fat hook on which the vast majority of humanity sits and with the help of which they are controlled and manipulated. “If you want to conquer the people, teach them to eat bread” - this saying has been known for a long time, it is actively used both directly and indirectly. No wonder since ancient times criminals were put not in prison, but in a dungeon, where they did not have access to solar energy. During their imprisonment, they were taught to eat roughage, and they became controllable with a bowl of stew and a piece of bread. This is what imprisonment is. Did our ancestors use solar energy? Without any doubt! And the proof of this is at least the well-known painting of the Great Leonardo “Squaring the Circle”, which shows the main postures of a person recharging from the Sun. The fact that the initiated Leonardo did not call everything by its proper name speaks of the unwillingness of mankind to accept this knowledge. Mankind tried to return to the cosmic source of nourishment through the existing system of religious fasts, allowing a person to gradually understand that it is possible to live without roughage for quite a long time. Freedom is the conscious necessity of giving up coarse food. Academician E. Vselensky wrote in 2010 in the article “Pole Change and the Great Universal Experiment” that “the salvation of mankind will consist in the fact that people will gradually move away from their usual food sources and switch to energy nutrition directly from the Cosmos, the Universe will again give new chances and opportunities. Who successfully passes the transformation, he will receive a code with a program of the type of a person of the 6th race" I. Vyshin  alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-583602 • 3 years agoThe presence of toxins and debris in the body depends on what enters it with water, air anThe presence of toxins and debris in the body depends on what enters it with water, air and food. Living food practically does not pollute the body (of course, if it is natural, and not chemical). Moreover, living plant products have a wonderful property - they trigger self-purification mechanisms. With cooked food, the opposite is true. The greatest amount of all kinds of toxic dirt is produced by bacteria inside the body if the food has been cooked. But that's not all. Dead food, unlike living food, has the property of blocking the functions of removing toxins. The body becomes paralyzed. He shoves all this dirt anywhere - on the walls of blood vessels, in fatty tissues, in intercellular spaces, but he cannot get rid of it, remove it. And what happens to a person who consumes products that cause intoxication? He becomes a drug addict. With drugs, alcohol, tobacco - absolutely the same picture as with dead food. There is no difference. This means that people experience not so much a feeling of hunger as drug withdrawal. alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-583590 • 3 years agoHumility does not mean weakness or obedience. It does not lead to fatalism or submission. Humility does not mean weakness or obedience. It does not lead to fatalism or submission. Against. In humility lies the real strength that matures within a person. Who humbles himself before the sacred essence of nature will live in imperturbable peace and serenity, even if the whole world is plunged into chaos. Elif Shafak  alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-583480 • 3 years agoAll who eat raw food begin to rejuvenate. Because white blood cells get the opportunity toAll who eat raw food begin to rejuvenate. Because white blood cells get the opportunity to perform their functions: to utilize the products of cell metabolism from the intercellular space, to absorb dead cells and microbes. Microbes have nothing to eat, and they die. Our ancestors lived forever precisely because they ate raw food.  alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-583410 • 3 years ago The word, thought also have a torsion nature. The strength of the impact depends on the l The word, thought also have a torsion nature. The strength of the impact depends on the level of awareness, the breadth of perception and the frequency of vibrations. At the human level - what you broadcast is how your space of life develops and you can change it much easier than the universe can do ... Do not seek help from the universe, develop your consciousness and help the universe yourself at the level of the Creator alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-583383 • 3 years agoHold the center! Whatever happens, stay centered! You are angry - keep the center! You areHold the center! Whatever happens, stay centered! You are angry - keep the center! You are in joy - keep the center! They provoke you - keep the center! Love back!  alisa.krasovska (15)in #someeofficial-583234 • 3 years agoВсех приветствую! Я Алиса. Изучаю возможности человека, сверхспособности, эволюционный путВсех приветствую! Я Алиса. Изучаю возможности человека, сверхспособности, эволюционный путь физического и духовного развития, здоровый образ жизни. Интересуюсь новыми направлениями в диетологии. Изучаю опыт человечества по лечебному голоданию и альтернативной медицине. Люблю путешествия, красивые места и эту планету. Надеюсь найти на этой платформе друзей и единомышленников.