famegirl (65)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: الخسHello, how are you? You haven't visited your page in about a month. I was worried. I hope you are well and fresh wherever you are.omarrojas (75)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: الخسSuccesses. Success is my sincere wish. Congratulations.hivebuzz (74)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: الخسCongratulations @altooq! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) : You distributed more than 26000 upvotes.…gungunkrishu (78)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: الخسhi dear @altooq how are doing. Hope everything to be good on your side. I haven't seen you posting for the past three days, so just wanted to check and hope things are fine at…jaster (71)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: الخسيا صديقي ، ورق الخاص بك كان صلاتي المفضلة ، كنت آكله على الإفطار كل يوم ولكن الآن بعد أن أتيت إلى البلاد نادرًا ما يوجد في بلدنا ، ورقة العمل نبات صحي.omarcitorojas (79)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: الخسطعام ممتاز مغذي جدا خاص للسلطات و التحياتhivebuzz (74)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: الفتسق الحلبيCongratulations @altooq! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) : You received more than 3250 upvotes.…hivebuzz (74)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: فاكهة الكمثرى Congratulations @altooq! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) : You distributed more than 25000 upvotes.…hasan1981 (70)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: فاكهة الأناناسياصديقي الاناناس لذيذ لكن لم اعلم انه له فوائد صحية مثل التي كتبها ، انها فاكهة لذيذة وهي من الفواكه المفضلة لدي 😋 Posted using Dapplrhivebuzz (74)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: الكزبرة الجافةCongratulations @altooq! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) : You received more than 3000 upvotes.…hivebuzz (74)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: العملات الرقميةCongratulations @altooq! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) : You have been a buzzy bee and published…hivebuzz (74)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: الجوزCongratulations @altooq! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) : You published more than 80 posts. Your…hasan1981 (70)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: الجوزاحسنت ياصديقي إن الجوز هو إحدى المكسرات المفضلة لدي 😋 Posted using Dapplrhivebuzz (74)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: فاكهة البرتقالCongratulations @altooq! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) : You received more than 2750 upvotes.…hasan1981 (70)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: نعمة الماءاحسنت ياصديقي ان اختيارك الى الموضوع جيد الماء هو نعمة من الله والى جميع الكائنات الحية، لايستطيع احد ان يعيش بدون شرب الماء Posted using Dapplrfamegirl (65)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: الكاجوI wrote in Persianfamegirl (65)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: الكاجوالكاجو = بادام هندیfamegirl (65)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: الأرزالارز = برنجfamegirl (65)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: بصل الثومالثوم = سیرfamegirl (65)in #arabic • 4 years agoRE: التمرخرما